Active Users:163 Time:12/06/2024 01:46:36 PM
Take your own advice, please - Edit 1

Before modification by Mik at 28/10/2010 07:31:44 PM

You might want to start making sense... it helps in debates, you know.
Take your own advice, please. Don't mind me for making mincemeat of your oh-so sensible contribution:

First off... have you even considered that one reason Alanna is not being stilled, executed, or whatever is because of the effect that will have on Rand?
Hello Miss sensibility! Thanks for this wonderful and smart contribution. You're doing the same thing darius is doing, but you are even worse at it.
Alanna could -simply- be ordered to release her "Warder"..I mean rape-victim. She could simply be held in prison.
Don't mind sniggering now.

The reason why Alanna is out there, is because it's so darn handy that all the Aes Sedai now have a permanent leash from the rape-victim to the miss rapist.

Have you considered the mitigating factor that she was a little mentally unhinged from the death of her Warder (which we know for a fact causes the Aes Sedai to feel extreme grief more than people would generally feel for someone close to them dying)? None of these really make it right, but these factors do play into why the Aes Sedai are not as harsh as they would typically have been.
Again, taking darius is road of finding petty excuses, but again, you're doing an even worse job then he was. She mentally -raped- someone. All the Aes Sedai think so.

How would -you- feel being mentally raped and the excuse for keeping the purpetrator around near you, is because that poor rapist just lost his mama and his little doggy. Boo-hoo!

These are silly excuses! What's next? We wait for Siuan to hang Novices, because she lost Aldric ans she's feeling really, really sad? Awww. Poor Siuan *pat on the head*.

Kidnapping a King/Rand: You do realize that the woman who did these things had 2/3rds of the AS not supporting her, and a third of them in open Rebellion, right? Sure, these weren't the specific reasons for all of them rebelling, but they certainly were the reasons for Egwene. And all the Rebels worried that Elaida would mishandle Rand.

And not -one- Aes Sedai did a goddamn thing about it. Not one. Elaida got away with both without so much a scratch!
Even worse, Stephanos was kept in the Tower!

The only reason Elaida was able to get away with kidnapping Mattin Stephaneos is because Rand took over Illian, and Elaida could claim she was protecting the king. Had she not had even that justification, you can be sure the Aes Sedai would have had more issues with the act.
I'm going to say this nicely; sorry, but you're really wrong here. The whole Tower knew Stephaneos was held captive for all the wrong reasons. You might want to re-read Egwene's encounter with Stephaneos and see how the Red Sister panics who tags along (as a prison guard) when Egwene tells Stephaneos the truth. The Tower knew. Instead of punishing Elaida for nothing short of an act of war, they -helped- her keep the sharade up, to protect the Tower's interests & "reputation" (what was left of it at that point)

None of these, of course, match what the Whitecloaks do. For one, they may not have kidnapped a king, but they have certainly usurped the authority of one (Airlon). They also, incidentally, keep a Queen in their stronghold against her will (lets not even go into her being raped and tortured). And far from kidnapping the Dragon Reborn, they actually wanted to kill him! And no, Cannoli's moronic statement that "they thought they were right, so they are right" makes no sense, here or anywhere else.
Oh my lord. This isn't -about- a contest if the Whitecloaks are worse or better then Aes Sedai! This is about showing that -like the Whitecloaks- the Aes Sedai have their fair share of atrocities that remain unpunished, used in an appalling way or hidden away in a secret Depository.

It's not about exactly matching atrocities. It's about both organisations having members who commit certain atrocities and getting away with it!

Just. shed. those. pink. glasses.

Look at how the Whitecloaks vs. the Aes Sedai handle the Two Rivers. The two AS present help the villagers defend themselves from Trollocs. The Whitecloaks terrorize them, and do not give aid even when the situation is dire enough that women and children have to enter the fray! Show me an Aes Sedai who sits by while there are Shadowspawn attacking village folk and then we'll talk.
You're setting up a Strawman argument! I don't have to. Take your own advice.

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