Active Users:144 Time:02/06/2024 12:43:19 PM
This is not an arm wrestling match - Edit 4

Before modification by malekithe at 14/12/2010 09:12:21 AM

For all the interest in 'who is stronger than who' and 'who has more potential than who' it's important to remember that unless two channelers are in a test environment where they are literally sending their full strength in all five powers directly at one another, who is stronger than who is just totally moot.

A NON channeler can kill Rand, the most powerful channeler alive. Just stab him in the back. So even Daigain, the weakest Aes Sedai could kill the most powerful channeler.

There's really only been less than a handful of situations were precisely who was even a little stronger than who mattered in the fight. One was with Nynaeve vs. Moghedian (and Nynaeve won that NOT because she was more powerful) and the other was Rand vs. Asmodean (in this case being able to draw more Power did make a difference).

But in just about ALL the other situations it is more SKILL with the Power or something else the winner did that that meant actually winning.

1) Lanfear VS. Rand at the docks (she was too skilled)
2) Cyndane VS. Alivia (who was trained in battle for nearly 400 years! Also had a strong angreal and a ter'angreal to fizzle weaves directed against her, yet SHE was the one who got fried)
3) Moiraine VS. Lanfear (nothing to do with the Power)
4) Moiraine VS. Bel'al (not even Rand can stop balefire)
5) Rand VS. Rahvin (again, balefire makes playing ground equal no matter who is stronger)
6) Egwene VS. Mesaana (all about skill)
etc, etc, etc

Point is we can all debate who is stronger for the sake of debate, but when the shit hits the fan it's almost
always BRAINS over BRAWN. Or at least Skill and Craftiness over Power and Strength.

No Chosen would ever pit themselves against eachother unless they had the clear advantage (ie angreal) or could stab them from behind. Why? Because they are all fairly evenly matched between Strength, Skill and Cunning.

It's just like some classic Dungeons and Dragons game.

Who is the strongest? The Warrior.
Who is the fastest? The Rogue.
Who is the smartest? The Mage.

Who always wins? No one, it's a toss up.

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