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Re: Talents don't make much sense - Edit 1

Before modification by Night Walker at 07/03/2011 02:23:13 PM

First off I'm well aware of Talents and how they work, but I still think there are some things about them that don't make much sense.

For instance yes you can be incredibly gifted athleticly, but could you really become a champion level basketball athlete if you never or hardly ever played basketball? Like if someone who has a Talent for Shielding, but really never had a lot of practice, it seems hard to believe. Also, to have that Talent and not have a high strength in Spirit?

Another thing that bothers me is how exactly do you figure out what your Talent is assuming you have one? If you don't happen to ever weave a particular weave you may never find your Talent. Perhaps everyone has a Talent and they just havent figured out what it is yet, or perhaps it's a weave that they will never weave, or a weave that doesn't exist even.

Another thing is if you have a Talent in Shielding shouldnt you also have a Talent in other weaves that use a lot of Spirit?

Do you really have a Talent in a particular weave, OR do you have a Talent in a Power or two, so that somehow you can use less Spirit, but have such a skill with it that you can outdo people who have greater Spirit than you?

Do your parents or grandparents give you similar Talents, or is it solely the Wheel that determines it?

What happens when someone with a Talent is in a Link? Can the person guiding the Link use their Talent, or can only the person with the Talent use it? If the person guiding it can use the Talent, shouldnt they see somehow what is making it a 'Talent', as opposed to how they use the same weave? For example if my Pillar of Fire takes 'X' amount of Fire to be 20 feet tall, and then when I link with someone I only need 'X' minus some amount of Fire to achieve the same effect. They must be able to compare and contrast their weave against this weave and study what is making it a Talent, no?

This was talked about a lot on Wotmania, so I’ll do my best from memory and in a hurry, plus I am sure others will fill in the gaps as well.

A talent basically works to up your “stats” in a certain aspect of the power while you are doing it. So, for example, if you are a 5 out of 10 at basketball but your talent is shooting free-throws, your stat for free-throws is then a 10 out of 10. It doesn’t make you a better shooter, you are just really good at a particular type of shot. So to use a real book example, if Egwene say is a 6 in Earth and is able to locate metals (her talent) then when she is looking for metals she acts as a 10, but at all other times when dealing with earth she is a 6. That also means that anyone with a 10 in that stat field already has this ability. In other words someone like Rand, who seems to be strong in Earth, should be able to do this without trouble as he is like a 10 in Earth.

I suppose in the AoL they had a way to test for talents but right now you find it out as you go. My question is, how did Siuan know her Talent was seeing Ta'veren before she saw the boys, she seems to imply she knew of this talent before she met them.

Jordan said when linking it is the leaders talents which apply, none others.

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