Active Users:327 Time:15/05/2024 02:59:32 PM
I am going insane. Help from the oldies, please *solved* - Edit 1

Before modification by Camilla at 06/08/2011 07:15:52 AM

Back, way back in the day, there was this other wheel of time site. It had a horrible mb format, of the type that wotmania was not. You know what I mean. I have spent the better part of the evening trying to remember what it was called. I know it was in operation around 2000, but I don't know when it stopped, or whether it is still in operation.

I do know I cannot find it by searching for any combination of wheel of time or wot and Jordan or other likely keywor on google.

I want to say wotnet or some such, but I don't think that is it.


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