Active Users:160 Time:02/06/2024 02:58:14 PM
No, I think the difference has to be something else he does later Cannoli Send a noteboard - 26/10/2012 04:53:39 AM
I am listening to tGS right now and reached the point of DarkRand's meeting with Tuon when she almost agreed to the treaty. When describing what he wanted he included the "until my death" line and the treaty circumstances seemed to match what we can infer from Aviedha's visions. Add to that the way he had been treating the Aiel, and the possible ramifications from it, and you could end up with a future scenario much like Aviendha sees.
I think the Dark Rand future would have been even worse, like making the whole world into a Shadar Logoth situation.

Ta'veren might have been the thing that made Tuon break free. Remember, that's not a power, it's just a kind of bending of the Pattern so thinks work the way it wants. Rand and Loial talk early on about the inability of the Pattern to accommodate major changes. I think what goes on with ta'veren, all the whacky coincidences and whatnot, are symptoms of the Pattern loosening around them to allow for the sorts of changes that normally would not have a chance. In order to preserve resistance that might help shape Rand into what he needs to be, the ta'veren effect gave Tuon the chance for her defiance.

Additionally, the timing of the meeting seems like it would coincide rather well with Avi's journey. I wonder if Avi is seeing the repercussions of what would have happened if Tuon had not been able to resist DarkRand, and by doing so she (Tuon) invalidated the future Avi saw. There is even a statment from Tuon about how everything has now changed. Maybe Avi's journey and the insight and determination she gained is what allowed (through the pattern) Tuon to resist DarkRand's "ta'veran gaze"
I don't see how that could work, and like I said, the Tuon thing might have been good if they had been occurring simultaneously, but the future Aviendha saw was not one where Rand was as bad as he had sunk at that point. I think it is still very possible and he and/or she are going to have to do something to prevent it from coming to pass. I think whatever that is, THAT is going to be the breaking of the Aiel as foretold by the prophecy of Rhuidean.

In my mind, these 2 scenes appear to have been disconnected by the editing needed to create 2 books out of the first 2/3rds of Jordan's original vision of AMoL. Perhaps the original scene plotting had Avi's journey occurring between 2 chapters covering the meeting (broken with Tuon's decision point as the cliffhanger), or in a chapter that occurs before it.

I think you're on the right track with the editing issue, but I'm not sure if Aviendha's test was supposed to contribute to the general attitude of doom and gloom afflicting the whole book until Rand's apotheosis, or if it was supposed to come later to warn the readers "even though he's good again, we're not out of the woods yet."
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Aviendha's 2nd trip though the pillars & Rand's meeting with Tuon - 25/10/2012 03:21:21 PM 865 Views
I don't think the timing quiet works - 26/10/2012 04:45:33 AM 366 Views
No, I think the difference has to be something else he does later - 26/10/2012 04:53:39 AM 693 Views

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