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Fun with symbolism! Cannoli Send a noteboard - 10/01/2013 04:47:00 AM
When you think about it, the gift-exchanging between Rand & his girlfriends is sort of dirty, metaphorically speaking.
- He gives the one he impregnates, a flower after the event in question, and later, he gives her an angreal component known as a Seed. So you have fertility imagery in addition, of course, to a double dose of his "seed". She rejects and resents his offered gift of a throne, an inanimate and symbolism-free thing that, objectively speaking, should be far more greatly valued.

- The girl who eventually takes his virginity, he first gives a bracelet, with floral designs, which could be construed as a vagina metaphor. If you think that's weak, there is the fact that in an effort to stave off their impending sexual relationship, she gives him in return - a belt buckle. Why not just hit him over the head with a sign that says "Keep your pants up, wetlander scum!"? When that does not work, the woman who will "make him a man" give him the gift of a big, shiny, phallic sword! He returns to her the sheath. Though she demurrs, later on, we will see that she is still in possession of the gems that adorned the sheath. Gems are well known to be clitoral metaphors and imagery, and the basis of some creepy interpretations of Emily Dickinson's poetry.

An then there's the event itself, initiated by his lunging through her hole (in reality) to pursue her when she's naked. As a souvenir of that incident, he thereafter carries around another phallic symbol, namely a spearhead that got chopped short passing through that same hole. It serves the dual purpose of a reminder of the incident ( "I have this pokey thing that Maidens will adorn for me, that I got the first time I got some" ), and warning of potential enemies. That stated interpretation seems a little odd, until you consider the item's provenance. For a man, elemental sexual issues are paramount fears, and to Rand, the perfect reminder of threats is "this thing an enemy I had forgotten tried to stick through my girlfriend's hole!" Later on, the nadir of his character arc comes right on the heels of one of the Forsaken figuratively emasculating him by both incinerating the scepter, and destroying the hand he uses "to properly weild his sword." In aMoL, it is revealed that he never followed up on learning how to reuse that ability.

Following that incident, he becomes fearful of Callandor and obsessed with the idea of a sword as a trap, leading him to lean too heavily on the Choedan Kal, and later it is proven that he cannot win unless he takes the more phallic sa'angreal down into the enemy's hole. The Dark One is ultimately undone when his minion, Moridin, grabs another man's junk, figuratively speaking. And don't even get me started on Demandred and M'Hael almost undoing reality using a sa'angreal that has the appearance of a vessel, or Egwene fixing it by shooting white...stuff...out of yet another phallic sa'angreal.

One way or another, someone has a filthy mind. Please tell me it was RJ? I mean, he's named after a character in a book written by a guy who wrote about another character who got his winky blown off. He's a pipe afficionado. That should trump a handle which is also a word for a tube-shaped object with white filling, right?
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Fun with symbolism! - 10/01/2013 04:47:00 AM 2594 Views
Man, sometimes a sa'angreal is just a sa'angreal. *NM* - 10/01/2013 05:05:54 AM 331 Views
LOL! That was funny. Great job. *NM* - 10/01/2013 06:18:11 AM 242 Views
rotflmao! *NM* - 13/01/2013 01:39:20 AM 237 Views
Nice *NM* - 13/01/2013 03:51:35 PM 248 Views

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