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Re: Weren't Siuan and Moiriane lovers? Dunstan Send a noteboard - 15/01/2013 09:05:55 PM
Culture plays a large role in determining sexual expression, so it's not particularly surprising that only very radical women or men in the Wheel of Time present as homosexual.

My understanding is that they were, indeed, lovers, but that it was an experimental/hormonal thing (much like girls at a girl school may play around a bit with other girls because that's all that is available while they are going through horny adolescence). After all, novices and Accepted aren't allowed around men at all, normally (or is it just novices?), so it makes sense that some of them would end up with "pillow friends".

In a way, I think this aspect of the Tower's culture is there for the purpose of "helping" the women to find their calling. Keeping horny teenaged girls away from men won't change the fact that they are horny teenaged girls, it will just ensure that they look to other horny teenaged girls for a bit of...release. With some, they may find they like it, that they really dislike men altogether, and be more inclined to choose the Red Ajah ("men! yuck! let's hunt them down and kill...err, gentle...them!!";). With others, they don't get the girl/girl thing and want to collect men like other people collect socks ("Yay Green! I can have ten men to serve me!!";). Others may think the whole sex thing is stupid and go White ("Why would I need a man or woman to satisfy my urges? I have a hand...";).

I don't think it's meant to be the deciding factor, by any means (I figure it's just one of many), but by blocking the girls from men during the years where they would most wish to be around them, it likely helps the full sisters get a better idea of who these girls are and which Ajah would be most appropriate for them. After all, you don't want to get a woman in the Red who wants to bond a don't want someone who can't look at a man without wanting to throw up or kill him in the don't want a Yellow that wants fifteen Warders so she can roam the world, and jump in the middle of battles to Heal people.

While I'm sure the whole Red Vs Green thing has grown to be a small(very small) part of it for some sisters, it's very clear that the main reason is just to try and keep their hormones under control until they're old enough to realize "hay you know what, I'm going to live for hundreds of years, and channeling doesn't always breed true.... Bummer... :sad: "

Though the wise ones would likely just say "Stop your bloody whining you fool girl, and go find yourself a nice man... Oh who are we kiding, like we'd actually let YOU pick.".. Or something like that.
This message last edited by Dunstan on 15/01/2013 at 09:08:07 PM
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Pillow friends - 10/01/2013 12:43:22 PM 1678 Views
Re: Pillow friends - 10/01/2013 03:32:21 PM 941 Views
Re: Pillow friends - 10/01/2013 03:34:43 PM 930 Views
Re: Pillow friends - 10/01/2013 06:41:01 PM 940 Views
Political correctness, at its best. - 10/01/2013 04:41:08 PM 1195 Views
Re: Political correctness, at its best. - 10/01/2013 04:59:42 PM 946 Views
That you're offended at gay people for having the temerity to exist is hilarious. - 13/01/2013 12:15:48 PM 883 Views
That you jump to the conclusion that I'm offended by gay characters is both laugable and sad... - 14/01/2013 06:06:30 PM 798 Views
I started the thread..... - 15/01/2013 08:57:58 PM 735 Views
I'm gay and I found it offensive and ignorant. - 17/01/2013 05:47:58 PM 721 Views
You're reaction does come across as knee-jerk. *NM* - 15/01/2013 09:12:03 PM 355 Views
overreact much? - 19/01/2013 09:55:06 PM 754 Views
i was disappointed that it wasnt anyone remotely close to having a POV - 13/01/2013 01:33:02 AM 820 Views
Narishma would've been perfect, and would've made sense... - 14/01/2013 06:50:32 PM 763 Views
Why would Narishma be a good gay character? - 14/01/2013 08:18:35 PM 883 Views
Re: Why would Narishma be a good gay character? - 14/01/2013 09:37:27 PM 857 Views
Weren't Siuan and Moiriane lovers? - 15/01/2013 07:35:16 AM 748 Views
Re: Weren't Siuan and Moiriane lovers? - 15/01/2013 05:38:56 PM 837 Views
Re: Weren't Siuan and Moiriane lovers? - 15/01/2013 09:05:55 PM 837 Views

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