Active Users:266 Time:03/05/2024 08:24:50 PM
Re: It was wrong because sodomy is an abomination against the Light - Edit 1

Before modification by kHz1000 at 21/10/2016 01:07:47 PM

You could argue, however, that from a sexist standpoint, Baalthamel suffered the worst fate imaginable, worse than even the rapes (assuming Aran'gar & Osen'gar were not similarly treated before their release into the world).

It didn't seem to faze her after the initial shock, though. And just like SH implied would happen, she grew into her new gender. So much so, in fact, that she had trouble remembering she'd ever been a man. Though really, perhaps she was still a violent, promiscuous man at heart since Mat, for example, found her predatory attitude to flirting very 'off' in a woman.

I guess some people try to view her from some contemporary queer perspective as a MtF trans person (an etic approach to the world as opposed to emic, to borrow from anthropology). Doing that, they're bound to find a lot of quibbles, since I hardly think RJ was an expert on queer theory in 1994 when he wrote LoC..

RJ clearly did bring some cultural baggage to WoT, like the lack of male nudity that was apparently a principle of his. Up to the reader to decide whether it matters or not, then. For some reason the kind of people who visit RAFO don't seem to care much, while plenty of people discuss these things at Theoryland or Dragonmount.

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