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And let's not even get started on Hurin. Cannoli Send a noteboard - 04/04/2017 12:15:30 AM

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It was a good post relating to an amusing TOR article about braid pullings. And yes, Nynaeve is the clear winner.

I figure people here may appreciate my calculations of Sniffs. I had posted my reviews of each book on FB and Amazon as I finished them before AMOL came out.

And for the series, Nynaeve is the clear winner with 55 sniffs. Elayne is runner up with 20. For all 14 books, excluding New Spring's 2 sniffs, there were 299 sniffs.
Aviendha - IIIII IIIII IIII (14)
Suian - IIIII IIIII I (11)
Faile - IIIII IIII(9)
Moiraine - IIIII IIII (9)
Leane - IIIII II (7)
Joline - IIIII I (6)
Cadsuane - IIII
Elaida - IIII
Lanfear/Selene - IIII
Melaine - IIII
Romanda - IIII
Amys - III
Bair - III
Corvil - III
Dyelin - III
Idrien - III
Larine - III
Lelaine - III
Renee Harfor - III
Teslyn - III
Aludra - II
Beonin - II
Cook at Inn - II
Deira - II
Feraighin - II
Laras - II
Liandrin - II
Lini - II
Saerin - II
Setelle Anan - II
Sumeko - II
Tiana - II
Adine - I Ailhuin - I Alise - I Alivia - I Asne - I Balwer - I Barasine - I Beldeine - I Berisha - I Berowin - I Bornhold - I Breane - I Caira - I Canler - I Carlinya - I Chubain - I Corana - I Daigian - I Darlin - I Edarra - I Edelle - I Ellorien - I Essande - I Erith - I Females in Crowd - I Galina - I Garenia - I Graendal - I Jarid - I Javindhra - I Jeaine - I Jeaine - I Katerine - I Kireyin - I Latelle - I Marin al'Vere - I Merana - I Mesaana - I Merilille - I Moghedian - I Nesta din Reas - I Nicola - I Nildra - I Nisao - I Pevara - I Renaile - I Rendra - I Rhiale - I Samitsu - I Semirhage - I Seonid - I Sevanna - I Signet Ring Fellow - I Silk Shopkeeper - I Silviana - I Somara - I Sorilea - I Suroth - I Tam - I Tavern Wenches at the Woman of Tanchico Inn - I Tenobia - I Therava - I Tion - I Tylin - I Vandene - I Vasha - I Verin - I Village Wisdom - I Yukiri - I Woman in Fal Dara - I Women of Emond's Field - I

Do these include the Sanderson books? He might have forgot that how likely it would be for certain characters to sniff, or have others overdo it.

I'm not sure how to take the news that my two favorite female characters were, in order, the top two, but my fictional nemesis is third. I suppose it means something deep and profound like "they were the three most important and frequently appearing female characters in the series."

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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So my comment about Sniffs on Reddit in r/books reached over 1100 upvotes. - 03/04/2017 06:44:46 PM 868 Views
And let's not even get started on Hurin. - 04/04/2017 12:15:30 AM 840 Views
Yes, it includes all 14 primary books. Does not include New Spring. *NM* - 04/04/2017 12:31:35 PM 293 Views
How many Phaws does Cadsuan get? *NM* - 04/04/2017 04:46:13 AM 450 Views
Oh, that was you. A buddy of mine and I discussed your post (and Cannoli). - 05/04/2017 08:32:47 AM 591 Views
That was me, yep. - 05/04/2017 01:44:46 PM 532 Views
I discussed what now? - 07/04/2017 11:06:59 PM 754 Views
You were the object of discussion. - 08/04/2017 12:22:34 AM 556 Views

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