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Feast upon my wisdom! beetnemesis Send a noteboard - 30/10/2009 06:26:00 PM
1. What do all you naysayers think now that the book has been split up? Does it seem that it was the appropriate course to take?

Seems ok to me. I'm sure that SOME stuff could be trimmed (Mat's zombie town, for instance), but honestly it looks like there's a lot of story left to tell

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, what do you think of the books? Anything above a 10 will be considered "Arrogant" and you will be forever known as a Goodkind fan.

of tGS? I just finished it, so I'll say an 8.5. After I've cooled down a bit, and read others' analysis, it might be raised to a 9, or lowered to a 7.5. Still a pretty good book.

3. What was your favorite part?

The balefiring of Semi and Graendal were both well done, I thought. I'm sort of disappointed that as soon as a Forsaken actually did something horrifying and dangerous, she got wiped out of existence, though...

4. What was your least favorite part?

Cadsuane's getting annoying. At least she's getting called on it, by both Rand and Min, but her scenes were irritating.

5. How do you think Sidious will get himself named Nae'Blis?

He and Cannoli will fight to the death, and one will absorb the other's power.

6. Did you have any theories proven right in this book?

Hm. That Sheriam was Black, and that Tam would play a part in getting Rand to lighten up.

7. Any proven wrong?

Goddammit when are Our Heroes all going to get together?! I really thought they would at this point. I want a dinner scene! Sanderson loved writing fancy galas in Mistborn. I want a big ball that you're only allowed to attend if you appeared in the first 3 books, or are currently hooking up with someone who did.

8. Any that could still happen?

Sammeal could still be alive.

9. How about any new theories you've come up with?

Moridin will be turned to the light, or at least play a Gollum-esque role in defeating the Dark One.

10. Did Sanderson do an A+ job?

I'd give it an A-. Mat felt a little... off, and some of the word choices felt strange ("alabaster", and there was a bit too much interior monologuing. Still, I liked it a lot.

***Non-Wot Related question***

11. Do you want the Yankees to be swept? (Any answer other than yes will result in your being balefired like Graendal)

Yes, but only so actual, good television can return and you sports junkies can return to your caves.

12. Can you wait for ToM?

Sanderson had better not get lupus.

13. How cool do you think Egwene is now?

Eh. Cannoli sold me on hating Egwene long ago. I still think the Three Oaths are stupid, especially since we saw quite a few examples (Nynaeve, Siuan, Egwene) of unoathed channelers behaving more honestly than those who have been Oathed.

I honestly don't care much about the Aes Sedai. Egwene's scenes were pretty cool, especially with the circle of novices, but I think she's becoming almost Mary Sueish. She can do no wrong, all who hear her arguments marvel at her wisdom, she has the best attributes of all the Ajahs, blah blah blah blah.

14. What did you think of seeing Tam finally?

Felt a little forced, but I liked it. I feel like Sanderson had a LOT of "callbacks" for the fans in this book. Reminiscing about past books, seeing Bela and Hurin, Falme, having Mat talk about what a huge deal it is that the Source was cleansed... there were all fanservice (not that that's bad). I think the Tam thing fell into that category.

Still, I loved the Dragonmount scene it led to.

15. Does Tuon and the Seanchan annoy the hell out of you with their ignorance and the dreaded H word (Hypocrisy).

Yes, yes, yes.

16. Can you believe how easily Moridin used Semirhage so that he could get Rand to use the TP?

Hah! That was awesome.
I amuse myself.
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/Survey What are your thoughts on some questions? - 30/10/2009 12:03:21 AM 799 Views
Re: /Survey What are your thoughts on some questions? - 30/10/2009 01:57:30 AM 482 Views
here's what I got... - 30/10/2009 04:07:58 AM 436 Views
*NM* *NM* - 30/10/2009 04:10:54 AM 229 Views
Re: /Survey What are your thoughts on some questions? - 30/10/2009 04:32:49 AM 544 Views
I hope Rand gets that hug from Tam *____* *NM* - 31/10/2009 11:42:19 AM 276 Views
Re: /Survey What are your thoughts on some questions? - 30/10/2009 05:31:32 AM 459 Views
Re: /Survey What are your thoughts on some questions? - 30/10/2009 06:07:29 PM 462 Views
- 30/10/2009 10:54:51 AM 480 Views
Re: /Survey What are your thoughts on some questions? - 30/10/2009 05:19:03 PM 453 Views
Feast upon my wisdom! - 30/10/2009 06:26:00 PM 433 Views
HaHa I love it when Goodkind gets ripped on!! *NM* - 01/11/2009 07:55:39 PM 254 Views
Re: /Survey What are your thoughts on some questions? - 04/11/2009 07:38:47 AM 440 Views

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