Active Users:203 Time:09/05/2024 03:40:52 PM
Who performs the worse atrocity in this book: Egwene or Rand? (A good Cannoli question) - Edit 1

Before modification by Matrimony Cauthon at 13/11/2009 06:25:41 PM

Everyone here has noted Rand's mass atrocity. Rand most likely killed dozens of Graendal's innocent pawns of Graendal when he balefired her palace. Rand did this to get rid of a necessary evil, and the people he killed were beyond saving anyway.
IMO, the only really bad thing Rand did was by burning them out of the pattern. Those people he killed will never have a chance to live again.

Contrast Rand's mass atrocity to what Egwene did. Egwene ordered the novices and Aes Sedai to kill all the Aes Sedai sisters that were captured by the Seanchan. Since Egwene was the brunt of the attack on the Seanchan-- we can assume that Egwene killed several innocent Aes Sedai-- possibly a dozen or more. Egwene also had to kill these Aes Sedai to achieve a greater good-- to keep the Seanchan from learning traveling. While it seems that Rand suceeded in his mission, Egwene was not successful in preventing the Seanchan from learning traveling.

It can be argued, therefore, that Egwene made a needless sacrifice of several Aes Sedai.

Who was worse in this case? If you were a judge, who would you penalize most? Also consider that Rand was insane and Egwene had full sanity.

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