Active Users:194 Time:19/05/2024 12:27:48 AM
I found this to be the best-written WoT book since Lord of Chaos *shrug* - Edit 1

Before modification by lord-of-shadow at 24/11/2009 11:50:05 PM

I can't comment on the language, since honestly I barely noticed any differences there. But what I can say is that any minor language deficiency in Sanderson is more than made up by the pacing of the book, which was better than we've seen in the series since Lord of Chaos, if not before.

Jordan was a fantastic world-builder, and, for the first few books, a good writer. But he was clearly incapable of moving things forward from a plot perspective, which is what the series desperate needed. And what Sanderson is giving us.

I'd sacrifice needless, flowery descriptions of clothes and braid-tugging for good pacing any day of the week.

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