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No, the First Clue Was Egwene's Accepted Test. The Name With No Man Send a noteboard - 27/11/2009 12:06:03 PM
Aloud, she muttered to Sheriam....................."

Page 271. Was this the first clue?

Is anyone else doing a post TGS read thru

Black Ajah speculation swirled all around that, from wondering if Egwene was deliberately given a ter'angreal to disrupt the other one with dangerous results to Sheriam admitting the weave-through-Myrddraals trick works but few know about it. One of my biggest disappointments was expecting genial Sheriam's Black service explained by that, only to have it explained by the fact she wasn't genial at all, but a spiteful child who held grudges for half a century or more. Not to mention being stupid enough to think the Black Ajah was just the White Tower equivalent of HS poseur Goths who had the power to gratify her spite but would let her hover on the outskirts without demanding real obedience.

"We murdered the Amyrlin in her bed and got away with it, but you don't really have to serve the DO or even do anything bad. Now, who did you want publicly shamed and broken again, dear? "

I liked the book a lot, but the healthy blend of startling naivete and lethal cunning we see in Sheriam is a little implausible to me. Anyone that stupid couldn't have gotten as far as Aes Sedai or Black Ajah, and anyone who could rise as high as Sheriam would've known far better what she got into when she swore her oaths. We've seen the whole "I thought I was just indulging naughtiness that was half fake" excuse many times, but it's not credible here.
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"If she isn't Black Ajah, Egwene thought sourly, shes the next thing to it. - 23/11/2009 09:43:08 AM 882 Views
Which chapter? I seem to have different page numbers. *NM* - 23/11/2009 09:47:49 AM 134 Views
The fourth page of chapter 23 "Sealed" *NM* - 23/11/2009 09:54:49 AM 145 Views
Which book?? *NM* - 28/11/2009 09:12:23 AM 118 Views
So she was saying this TO Sheriam about someone else? How is that a clue? *NM* - 23/11/2009 11:16:22 AM 137 Views
Elaida was next to Sheriam... - 23/11/2009 07:07:07 PM 439 Views
No, the First Clue Was Egwene's Accepted Test. - 27/11/2009 12:06:03 PM 342 Views
Nice catch! *NM* - 27/11/2009 12:07:14 PM 110 Views

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