Active Users:200 Time:19/05/2024 12:12:52 PM
I have decided... (do I still have to mention spoilers?) - Edit 1

Before modification by nossy at 30/11/2009 07:20:09 PM

that Graendal is definitely dead.

Know why? I thought Semirhage had some awesomely cool plan to infiltrate and subvert her captors, but no, she did not. She had a stupid plan to catch Rand that didn't come close to working and only got her caught. Of course, she was able to get free with Elza's aid, but that is basically her grasping for new straws after a bad plan went down the drain.

Previously, I would have convinced myself that Graendal had some big scheme and was skipping along a step ahead of Rand, but now I am quite certain that she is definitely dead.

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