Active Users:317 Time:15/05/2024 09:55:44 PM
I doubt... - Edit 1

Before modification by Etzel at 13/01/2010 08:07:56 AM

That the Shadow considers that the Pattern will anyway counter anything they do, because otherwise the Pattern would also find a way to counter Rand's TP use, basically the Shadow could already announce that they have already lost then. Plus, the Shadow also wanted to kill Rand at the Cleansing, which shows that they don't care that much about the Pattern (which is anyway in flux now). Besides, especially Moridin and SH seemed genuine in their desire to capture Rand in TGS. Nothing suggests that Rand wouldn't be at SG now, if Semirage had immediately brought him there (and Moridin & SH couldn't really anticipate that Semirhage wouldn't follow their orders immediately). At least the DO could have waited till Rand killed Min to give him the permission to use the TP, because Rand certainly would have been even more unstable then.

For this reasons I seriously doubt that the DO gave Rand the permission, but that Rand used Moridin's access.

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