Active Users:250 Time:12/05/2024 03:08:34 PM
He defeats every Forsaken because he doesn't play their game - Edit 1

Before modification by Sidious at 04/02/2010 04:24:55 AM

He's *never* beaten a Forsaken at their own game - his M.O. is pretty consistent; he shows up, mostly as a shock assault, a reaction to their own offensive or in a surprise attack, and proceeds to chase the Forsaken once he figures out where they are.

Well exactly. He refused to walk through all Rahvin's intricate little traps, and went to the heart to have a one on one with him. This caught Rahvin by surprise and it destroyed him. He did the same with Sammael, who thought Rand would never dare just pop up in his city. Maybe you can't torture Semirhage but if you spank her, she'll break easily.

This is Rand's whole point with Graendal... to NOT play her game, which becomes a whole complex little subplot filled with proxies, wit and intelligence. He rather just punched her in the face and balefired the whole palace. That is NOT the way Graendal does things, which is why she's dead.

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