Active Users:209 Time:20/09/2024 10:45:30 PM
I might agree with her on your projected Verin scenario Cannoli Send a noteboard - 06/02/2010 11:35:47 PM
I think one of the most telling instances of her inconstancy is with regards to Verin. After her vehement 'better dead than collared' and 'better dead, if it's for the good of the Tower' self-delusional BS POV, one would expect her to come down in harsh judgement upon one who, even if contributing to some kind of greater good, made the decision to join the Black Ajah rather than die right there on the spot. But instead, because Egwene only sees her star rising as the one who rooted out the BA (and, granted, her 'I'm ultimately on the side of the light' inspiration to do so as well), she's all 'oh but your soul is pure white, dear Verin'. I'm sure if she were in public, and her position and appearance of authority were in view, she would have probably said 'thank you very much Verin but tower law says we execute you. Goodnight!'
I don't know about execution, but the fact is, Verin did go over to the Black Ajah to save her own ass, as she admits. She did her best to make up for it, but she no doubt had to do some pretty rotten things to keep her membership active. There had to be payback, and I think Verin herself understood that. On the other hand, she WAS dying and she DID perform a significant and important for the Tower and the Light, so comforting her as she dies doesn't cost anything.

But it's exactly that shifting moral compass and the ability to sniff out what is the appropriate way to appear to humanly interact with some and act as the Amyrlin to others that Egwene has a virtual Talent for, and while it makes her a somewhat reprehensible human being, it does make her about the best an Amyrlin could hope to be.
If you define an Amyrlin in terms of her success in the Tower. IMO a good Amyrlin should be someone who has done great things for the world with her power, and not by imposing some sort of social or political order on it. You can understand why the Tower would consider a woman who did great things for the Tower, if not the world, to be a Great Amyrlin, but admiring and praising someone for suspect criteria like being the longest-reigning Amyrlin simply because she was chosen for bad reasons at an impossibly young age or because the Aes Sedai admired her ability to spin webs of BS and manipulate the Tower and its process to keep in charge of the political situation while enhancing her own power. But the Aes Sedai admire the latter, adn are going to praise Egwene for doing them, leading to PoV-entrapped fans parroting her senseless acclaim.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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I was wrong about Egwene. - 06/02/2010 09:46:43 AM 1964 Views
BTW, I am the god of Irony. Bow to me. *NM* - 06/02/2010 09:47:20 AM 412 Views
I think that if there's a real message to take out of this - 06/02/2010 02:55:47 PM 823 Views
yes she's politically shrewd if completely amoral - 06/02/2010 05:03:19 PM 733 Views
Re: yes she's politically shrewd if completely amoral - 06/02/2010 06:08:40 PM 767 Views
In her defense, she has no way of getting in contact with him - 06/02/2010 11:28:37 PM 813 Views
Re: In her defense, she has no way of getting in contact with him - 06/02/2010 11:47:04 PM 610 Views
Re: In her defense, she has no way of getting in contact with him - 07/02/2010 02:43:13 AM 668 Views
Re: In her defense, she has no way of getting in contact with him - 07/02/2010 11:13:39 PM 788 Views
I might agree with her on your projected Verin scenario - 06/02/2010 11:35:47 PM 921 Views
It really is her most defining quality - 06/02/2010 06:27:17 PM 628 Views
That was nothing. - 06/02/2010 08:48:39 PM 602 Views
The only mitigating factor was that she had already dumped Rand at that time - 06/02/2010 11:34:45 PM 735 Views
Re: The only mitigating factor was that she had already dumped Rand at that time - 06/02/2010 11:51:48 PM 634 Views
Hah! - 07/02/2010 02:22:30 PM 594 Views
There was a nice beginning - "Cannoli: I was wrong about Egwene"... - 06/02/2010 06:42:18 PM 666 Views
I think the title summarizes years of debate *NM* - 07/02/2010 09:26:35 AM 504 Views
I like Egwene. - 08/02/2010 10:22:14 AM 632 Views
And the greater good always conveniently requires her being in charge or getting more power *NM* - 12/02/2010 12:19:05 AM 293 Views
Yes, just like for Rand. *NM* - 12/02/2010 12:24:57 AM 252 Views
And the rest of the Randland Justice League. *NM* - 12/02/2010 05:25:38 PM 257 Views
Re: Rand goes out of his way to discarge authority to others; Egwene, well hopefully in the future *NM* - 13/02/2010 04:20:31 AM 298 Views
Ummm... what? When? *NM* - 13/02/2010 04:53:50 AM 245 Views
Like his Stewards & supporting loyal rulers. *NM* - 15/02/2010 02:30:32 PM 286 Views
Darlin, Caroline, Elayne, Ituralde, Bashere, Logain, Rhuarc, etc. - 15/02/2010 05:57:05 PM 739 Views
Oh you mean all those guys he treats like his personal b*tches? *NM* - 15/02/2010 06:10:17 PM 373 Views
Re: Oh you mean all those guys he treats like his personal b*tches? - 16/02/2010 08:10:02 PM 641 Views
Agreed, that's what I've been saying. - 16/02/2010 08:23:14 PM 630 Views
Well, Egwene has lackeys too! - 15/02/2010 08:12:17 PM 547 Views
Re: Well, Egwene has lackeys too! - 15/02/2010 10:37:50 PM 526 Views
Yup, hopefully she'll be killed, then stilled. - 13/02/2010 11:03:51 PM 525 Views

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