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I've always been lucky where water is concerned. Obsidian Ashaman - 22/01/2003 12:11:28 PM

I've always happened to live in cities/towns with good tap water. I would take it for granted, and then get a shock when I would visit relatives and so on. We also used to have one of those filtered water jugs that we kept in the fridge, which made the water taste extra nice.

I'm probably in my worst water situation ever right now. I use the tap, but it's not the greatest I've ever tasted. I'd give it...6.5 out of 10.

------Obsidian Asha'man

Proud Warder to BucketBaby

* Totally *

- Teach them all their lesson
- - - Ninjas will always win
- Your work is a ninja's play

*Wails* Here to stay
An Hava Rocks - hard!!

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Water. - 22/01/2003 12:07:21 PM 216 Views
I've always been lucky where water is concerned. - 22/01/2003 12:11:28 PM 15 Views
I actually tested our water once with a pool tester... - 22/01/2003 12:17:53 PM 25 Views
Heehee - 22/01/2003 02:57:46 PM 8 Views
Totally natural deposits of lithium *NM* - 22/01/2003 04:05:31 PM 3 Views
I live in New Jersey.. so.. - 22/01/2003 12:18:25 PM 15 Views
NW Jersey water is practically spring, don't lump itwith other regions *NM* - 22/01/2003 03:49:40 PM 2 Views
damn straight. our tap water gets bottled & sold to the less fortunate *NM* - 22/01/2003 10:58:49 PM 3 Views
It's all about the South Jersey aquifers, baby *NM* - 22/01/2003 11:14:35 PM 4 Views
*NM* - 23/01/2003 09:54:13 PM 2 Views
I have well water - 22/01/2003 12:20:22 PM 8 Views
My little island subsists totally on groundwater. - 22/01/2003 12:21:30 PM 7 Views
I grew up with a well...but now, - 22/01/2003 12:41:28 PM 5 Views
Water's fine here - 22/01/2003 01:21:49 PM 7 Views
Water? *tilts head, squints eyes* - 22/01/2003 01:25:27 PM 15 Views
Swedish watersupply is usually good... - 22/01/2003 01:29:56 PM 7 Views
Well water is good, people seem to like it - 22/01/2003 01:36:33 PM 7 Views
Ah, good ol' tap water. - 22/01/2003 01:45:58 PM 9 Views
I miss well water!! - 22/01/2003 01:48:27 PM 24 Views
Yank your tail? Is this the one your stapled on for better balance? - 22/01/2003 02:29:47 PM 7 Views
Watery - 22/01/2003 02:59:09 PM 6 Views
The water here is great - 22/01/2003 03:04:02 PM 6 Views
from the tap - 22/01/2003 03:48:01 PM 6 Views
Sydney's tap water is very good, though we are in a drought - 22/01/2003 04:32:59 PM 6 Views
Foul? - 23/01/2003 01:29:23 AM 4 Views
Swedish tap water rocks! Tastes wonderfully watery and clean *NM* - 22/01/2003 05:51:42 PM 4 Views
i tried well water once... - 22/01/2003 06:22:36 PM 6 Views
i've got a well! *NM* - 22/01/2003 06:22:54 PM 4 Views
We have well water, but it's not very good. We just got a... - 22/01/2003 06:50:16 PM 4 Views
My shoelaces are untied? - 22/01/2003 07:02:38 PM 3 Views
well water at home... - 22/01/2003 07:38:28 PM 3 Views
Ichy - 22/01/2003 07:43:42 PM 4 Views
blech, the tap is terrible.. most people use bottled *NM* - 22/01/2003 08:05:56 PM 3 Views
Water is water to me - 22/01/2003 08:30:29 PM 4 Views
The water is so chlorinated here that it burns - 23/01/2003 12:15:31 AM 6 Views
Drought.......... - 23/01/2003 04:48:30 AM 6 Views
tap water mostly - 23/01/2003 05:22:11 AM 5 Views
Tap water *NM* - 23/01/2003 06:45:28 AM 3 Views
Our tap water is good. - 24/01/2003 03:56:20 PM 2 Views