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[nods] Taardad Maiden - 10/04/2004 01:06:48 AM

I had to deal with this twice my first year as a teacher. In many ways, managing a classroom is very similar to managing a business. So much psychology is involved. I'm not going to suggest a "right" or "wrong" way here, because methods vary between managers and their effectiveness depends upon the employees as well.

True enough. It's people, after all.

That being said, why not say to them what you said above? Just be firm, yet gentle. Make it clear that it is important to work through this, but at the same time don't give anyone too much slack. What I did was that on the day after the two died, I had a brief talk with my students. I let them air out what they were feeling, I listened, then I made it clear that they still had work to do. Most were fine after 3 days. For those that weren't, I just softly encouraged them to do what they could, but also let them know that they weren't going to get free passes either to skip out on their assignments. Also, (and here's an idea in case some might want to make a positive gesture) some of my students decided to collect money from their graduating class (they were seniors) to pay for part of the funeral. I think that helped them a lot in overcoming their grief, the feeling that they could do something positive.

The other two managers and myself are trying to allow for time to "vent" as the day progresses, but it's very difficult with our business flow. If it weren't the weekend, we'd be able to give them a shift off if REALLY necessary, but we can't afford that on weekends. They've been having raffles and fundraisers for the family, and that's been really good for them. Now that he's passed away, and the money they were trying to raise for a heart transplant is just sitting there, I think they're planning to give it for funeral expenses. They talked today at one point about doing something like a commemoration of Brady to keep in the store. I think you're right about those things helping them feel as tho they're doing something positive. The feeling of helplessness in recent weeks has been overwhelming, and now they have a few options to pursue that would let them have a positive impact.

So I'm guessing what you have to do is show that you ache as well, but also show them that in such times, it's best to work through it after venting briefly. While it's not good business practice to have employee talks during business hours, maybe allowing 15-20 minutes for the shift personnel to talk with you or each other after their shift ends would help them be in a better frame of mind.

[nods] We're trying to do that.

Don't know if what I said helped any, but I do know where you're coming from, Erica. Hope things do improve in the near future. Take care.

Thank you, Larry. I appreciate what you had to say. And it's more helpful than I expected, to know how other people have gotten thru this sort of thing.

Morik The Thief: something that might amuse you... I think I pissed off a customer
Morik The Thief: as there was a package at work delivered to a Miss G Edwards
Morik The Thief: for bladder control underwear


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A Death at Work. - 10/04/2004 12:33:02 AM 191 Views
- 10/04/2004 12:46:46 AM 27 Views
[smiles wanly] - 10/04/2004 12:49:51 AM 19 Views
Well... - 10/04/2004 12:48:11 AM 35 Views
[nods] - 10/04/2004 01:06:48 AM 21 Views
I agree. - 10/04/2004 01:11:04 AM 17 Views
I'm sorry to hear that... - 10/04/2004 12:55:28 AM 21 Views
[hugs] Thanks, Jen - 10/04/2004 01:12:22 AM 20 Views
Its the small actions that matter to people. - 10/04/2004 01:27:33 AM 26 Views
You're absolutely right, Greg. - 10/04/2004 09:03:27 AM 15 Views
I totally agree - 10/04/2004 09:57:58 AM 18 Views
People - as always. - 10/04/2004 02:27:09 AM 17 Views
Re: People - as always. - 10/04/2004 09:10:07 AM 11 Views
Being a manager sucks, sometimes. *hugs* - 10/04/2004 04:55:22 AM 18 Views
Thanks, Ben - 10/04/2004 09:12:28 AM 14 Views
it sounds like you are doing well enduring it - 10/04/2004 10:42:16 AM 16 Views
[gives wadsy a smile] - 10/04/2004 06:42:39 PM 9 Views
how sad - 10/04/2004 12:47:46 PM 16 Views
Very sad indeed. - 10/04/2004 06:50:57 PM 15 Views
*hugs* *NM* - 11/04/2004 07:15:48 PM 10 Views
Erica, seriously... - 10/04/2004 01:22:10 PM 21 Views
Oh Cory... I think you give me too much credit! - 10/04/2004 06:55:25 PM 15 Views
Nah, I think he's got you pretty well pegged. *NM* - 11/04/2004 03:00:49 AM 9 Views
*hugs* *NM* - 10/04/2004 10:12:31 PM 9 Views
[Gives you a big, long hug back] *NM* - 10/04/2004 10:52:10 PM 8 Views