Active Users:128 Time:01/06/2024 08:04:24 AM
Well yay for making an entire imaginary land where body perceptions are warped and everyone is hot! RugbyPlayingAshaman Send a noteboard - 17/05/2010 08:37:52 PM
I wonder what sort of powers the Intoxibellas will have?

Just joking.

But this can't be any worse than any other fantasy series (i.e. escapist fiction where juvenile delusions are encouraged and there is sure to be a Chosen One).
"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness."
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So Tyra Banks is planning on writing a YA fantasy series... - 16/05/2010 02:40:34 AM 1178 Views
Tyra Banks getting published? Excuse me while I dump my manuscript in the trash - 16/05/2010 03:07:56 AM 677 Views
Seconded - 16/05/2010 03:19:39 AM 788 Views
OBVIOUSLY... - 16/05/2010 07:03:40 AM 780 Views
She doesn't write FANTASY, she writes STORIES about CHARACTERS - 17/05/2010 04:25:08 AM 589 Views
Who may or may not have powers. - 17/05/2010 06:53:55 PM 594 Views
That is disturbing. - 16/05/2010 08:26:19 PM 823 Views
The worrying thing is, loads of people will buy it. - 16/05/2010 08:40:03 PM 623 Views
but will she also pretend to excellence? - 18/05/2010 01:09:35 AM 707 Views
Really? Modelland? She couldn't at least add an accent? - 17/05/2010 02:56:00 AM 657 Views
I am more envisoning an umlaut. Mödelland *NM* - 17/05/2010 09:48:05 PM 329 Views
Well. I for one am excited. - 17/05/2010 10:54:40 AM 674 Views
<pity> - 17/05/2010 08:08:42 PM 676 Views
Heh - 17/05/2010 08:16:40 PM 717 Views
Absolutely... - 17/05/2010 08:32:47 PM 652 Views
Re: Absolutely... - 17/05/2010 08:44:46 PM 647 Views
Well yay for making an entire imaginary land where body perceptions are warped and everyone is hot! - 17/05/2010 08:37:52 PM 806 Views
You must be reading pretty bad fantasy if everything has a Chosen One. *NM* - 18/05/2010 09:17:50 PM 320 Views
WoT is the only fantasy series I'm reading right now that has a Chosen One. - 19/05/2010 04:00:27 PM 737 Views
"escapist fiction where juvenile delusions are encouraged and there is sure to be a Chosen One" *NM* - 19/05/2010 11:50:25 PM 314 Views
I didn't say it was bad, though ;P *NM* - 20/05/2010 06:27:25 PM 316 Views

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