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Re: The Gunslinger by Stephen King, spoilers Timthetrolloc Send a noteboard - 12/07/2010 06:39:41 AM
So I just got around to reading this book for the first time. It's been on my to-do list for years. After picking it up at the library I pretty much read it in 5 days, and here's my thoughts:

**I have not read any more of the Dark Tower, but intend to. Please don't spoil any future plots with sequel spoilers**

I always avoided Stephen King books because he came across as so morbid and more of a horror writer than anything else. Maybe it was that one time in seventh grade when me and my friends watched "It" on video and I had nightmares about that stupid clown for days afterwards... but I digress.

He is a horror writer and sometimes a quite good one.

This book changed my impression of King. He's a really good writer. There are some passages in the book where he throws in random similes ("the setting sun painted the sky in tangerine threats," or something like that) that really made me think that he puts a lot of thought into making every chapter, hell, every paragraph a little work of art unto itself.

This was THE book in the whole series that had the nice prose you were talking about. He was a very young man when it was started. The second book was written years later check the copyrights when you read them. King was a very different writer when he wrote the rest.

I thought Jake's character was an interesting plot device, if not a sad story. I really didn't know if Roland was going to sacrifice Jake or not right up until the end, and was quite sad when he did.

Crazy how he did sacrifice Jake. I was very dissapointed that he could after doing so much to save him earlier in the book. Roland might have died if he took the time and pulled him up onto the tracks.

The flashbacks of Roland's backstory were nice and confusing, it took me a minute to realize that we really were reading about a different (parallell, alternate, whatever) world. I guess that's going to be a theme throughout the series, given the Man in Black's statements at the end.

Anyways, I guess I just wanted to say that I read a book from an author I had been avoiding for years and really enjoyed it. I am pretty exicted that I have six more books to go, and can't wait to dive into it. Thank god the series is complete, I hate having to wait for books to come out.

Oh and check out a few of his other books that are quite good. It, The Tommyknockers and The Stand. All quite good in my opinion.

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The Gunslinger by Stephen King, spoilers - 11/07/2010 02:50:04 PM 719 Views
The rest od the series is good but I thought they went a bit downhill - 11/07/2010 03:04:05 PM 521 Views
I read the first and the second book and then promptly gave up - 11/07/2010 04:32:20 PM 690 Views
Re: The Gunslinger by Stephen King, spoilers - 12/07/2010 06:39:41 AM 681 Views
Fantastic! - 12/07/2010 02:54:55 PM 510 Views
The series is great. - 14/07/2010 02:55:34 AM 540 Views
Gunslinger, taken by itself, is awesome. DT as a whole is good. - 16/07/2010 08:42:23 AM 465 Views

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