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I don't have any Lady Leslie Send a noteboard - 28/07/2010 05:17:48 PM
I can't leave a book unfinished no matter how boring it is. Something in me has to know how it ends. I can say that this has only happened about three times that I know of.
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How many unfinished books do you have laying around? - 28/07/2010 03:09:29 AM 972 Views
oh my gosh. I just realized I don't have any. - 28/07/2010 03:12:23 AM 688 Views
Quick! Buy one and leave it on your shelf! *NM* - 28/07/2010 03:21:32 AM 449 Views
Oh. That's why. - 28/07/2010 03:52:25 AM 692 Views
A lot. - 28/07/2010 03:35:05 AM 762 Views
Plenty of foreign books I see. I can't even finish books in English! *NM* - 28/07/2010 03:39:38 AM 388 Views
Heh. Not so many, considering. *NM* - 28/07/2010 07:16:38 AM 350 Views
considering? *NM* - 29/07/2010 01:22:57 PM 407 Views
Oh come on. L'Etranger is short, and interesting. - 28/07/2010 10:27:33 AM 690 Views
It's not as short when you read it in a foreign language . *NM* - 28/07/2010 12:18:47 PM 334 Views
True, but it's not too hard French either, as I recall. *NM* - 28/07/2010 01:10:21 PM 409 Views
Ça, c'est vrai. Mais c'est bien plus difficile que la langue maternelle du lecteur. *NM* - 28/07/2010 03:10:50 PM 444 Views
Vraiment, et j'étudiais ce langue pour juste deux ans. - 28/07/2010 07:34:00 PM 660 Views
I still think it's ridiculous to claim you're bad at languages. - 28/07/2010 07:50:06 PM 784 Views
Bull-headed perserverance isn't the same as skill. - 28/07/2010 09:27:06 PM 659 Views
Eh. Easily learning vocabulary isn't the same as skill, either. - 28/07/2010 09:46:02 PM 1068 Views
Re: Eh. Easily learning vocabulary isn't the same as skill, either. - 02/08/2010 03:51:52 AM 1322 Views
I guess you're an exception to what we were saying about people not knowing their own grammar. - 02/08/2010 12:29:15 PM 685 Views
Not really... - 04/08/2010 02:02:12 PM 976 Views
no but it is often superior - 29/07/2010 02:30:05 PM 635 Views
Well, here's to hoping. *NM* - 31/07/2010 10:20:26 PM 332 Views
Unfinished? 2. Never Started? Quite a few - 28/07/2010 04:04:31 AM 779 Views
I have a lot I haven't started either *NM* - 28/07/2010 04:20:02 AM 458 Views
Describes me as well. *NM* - 31/07/2010 03:25:53 PM 520 Views
unstarted yes, unfinished no.... *NM* - 28/07/2010 05:35:43 AM 529 Views
Because of the way I read, quite a few - 28/07/2010 08:46:28 AM 609 Views
Oh, tons. - 28/07/2010 10:30:26 AM 742 Views
Just the ongoing ones, none I have given up on. - 28/07/2010 03:13:19 PM 672 Views
Speaking as someone with a Masters of Accountancy I feel your pain *NM* - 28/07/2010 04:12:19 PM 406 Views
the borque series by stephen niall and war and peace *NM* - 28/07/2010 03:50:08 PM 472 Views
A few - 28/07/2010 04:51:33 PM 829 Views
I don't have any - 28/07/2010 05:17:48 PM 741 Views
at least a dozen - 28/07/2010 05:26:07 PM 828 Views
Also, because this is really bugging me, "lying." - 28/07/2010 09:50:30 PM 830 Views
Heh. *Fistbump* for a fellow grammar nazi. *NM* - 29/07/2010 03:05:24 PM 472 Views
OK - 29/07/2010 05:15:28 PM 769 Views
For grammar nerds, it's probably wishful thinking. *NM* - 31/07/2010 10:19:26 PM 349 Views
Hah! Speak for yourself. *NM* - 31/07/2010 11:02:17 PM 347 Views
None. I don't believe in it. - 29/07/2010 06:53:27 AM 829 Views
Seven unfinished. Two unopened. - 29/07/2010 03:09:18 PM 762 Views
Remember them all will be tough, lol! - 30/07/2010 04:42:45 AM 708 Views
This is just the ones sitting on my To Read shelf... - 30/07/2010 04:06:58 PM 800 Views
Coldfire Trilogy - 14/08/2010 07:20:51 PM 726 Views

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