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Re: Finally finished reading it. My feelings are mixed, and mostly mirror yours. Camilla Send a noteboard - 19/02/2011 10:12:51 PM
Apart from the literary theory bit, of course.

I too found the beginning of the book (well, first half) sub-par and frustrating. I felt that she didn't let me make up my own mind about the characters, which was irritating. And I didn't really get to know any of them.

Precisely. She has a very bad habit of trying to control her readers. She needs to start trusting us.

That last point didn't change with the rest of the book. We DON't really get to know the characters, but I was ok with that by then.

This is true. But I do not think it is a matter of two-dimensionality. The characters, as I said in my review, really stuck with me. Some of them, at any rate. They just remain ... inaccessible.

You're absolutely right that the way she tells history is incredible. I didn't really notice it for a while, and then when I realised what she was doing I was very impressed.


On the whole, I'm conflicted. Unlike you, her commas annoyed me so very much. But like you, I loved the description of the World Exhibition in Paris. I hated all of the characters - apart from Griselda, perhaps - but I loved what she ended up doing with some of them.

I don't understand why you hate her commas. She uses them more than she has to, but there is nothing necessarily wrong with that.


AND HERE BE SPOILERS! (In white font, because I am nice.)

Regarding your spoilers (I deleted them, because I think white shows up as white, not neutral in the coloured quoted boxes as well), yes. I think that was part of the point.
structured procrastinator
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The Children's Book by A.S. Byatt - 22/04/2010 08:07:52 PM 5268 Views
May I borrow that at some point, please? - 22/04/2010 08:45:17 PM 1491 Views
I'll buy it at some point - 22/04/2010 09:50:07 PM 1513 Views
It's on my reading list - all Byatt books are. - 22/04/2010 09:28:44 PM 1513 Views
Re: It's on my reading list - all Byatt books are. - 22/04/2010 09:51:02 PM 1502 Views
I mentioned that I bought Gone-Away World, yeah? - 23/04/2010 01:49:26 AM 1538 Views
Re: I haven't read it yet. So I have not read your review. - 23/04/2010 10:08:57 PM 1506 Views
Re: I haven't read it yet. So I have not read your review. - 23/04/2010 10:36:25 PM 1462 Views
Re: Okay. I also like her Virgin in the Garden. - 23/04/2010 10:42:48 PM 1563 Views
Finally finished reading it. My feelings are mixed, and mostly mirror yours. - 19/02/2011 02:25:08 PM 1428 Views
Re: Finally finished reading it. My feelings are mixed, and mostly mirror yours. - 19/02/2011 10:12:51 PM 1384 Views

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