Active Users:267 Time:21/09/2024 12:23:04 AM
Re: My reads for this month: Camilla Send a noteboard - 01/03/2011 09:24:08 AM
Not sure what my Challenge books are yet. Will get back to you.

Currently reading: The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers (good so far) and The Ruby Knight by David Eddings. And Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

Oooh. I'd like to borrow Anubis Gates when I am done with your other books. I have been meaning to pick up Powers for a while.

structured procrastinator
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The year hath marched on into March already. - 01/03/2011 07:49:37 AM 1133 Views
My reads for this month: - 01/03/2011 07:51:34 AM 751 Views
Re: My reads for this month: - 01/03/2011 09:24:08 AM 743 Views
Re: My reads for this month: - 01/03/2011 10:42:30 PM 777 Views
Re: My reads for this month: - 02/03/2011 08:34:54 AM 734 Views
Re: <lends you strength for the Eddings> *NM* - 03/03/2011 09:58:22 AM 375 Views
I'll read Persepolis - 01/03/2011 09:22:56 AM 813 Views
Well, that didn't take long - 01/03/2011 05:27:38 PM 931 Views
Never Let Me Go was lovely. *NM* - 02/03/2011 11:53:28 PM 332 Views
I got sidetracked by The Painted Veil yesterday - 05/03/2011 03:02:28 PM 646 Views
Pereira Maintains was a lovely read *NM* - 11/03/2011 08:46:45 AM 384 Views
I started Kelly Link's Pretty Monsters. - 26/03/2011 10:01:52 AM 1028 Views
Some Shakespeare, some Eric Basso, some other stuff - 01/03/2011 10:36:24 AM 698 Views
A few things. - 01/03/2011 11:06:37 AM 867 Views
Do give us your thoughts in the Consider Phlebas thread! - 01/03/2011 07:33:43 PM 734 Views
I'll finish Les Miserables and read more in German. - 01/03/2011 01:31:09 PM 799 Views
I decided not to be beaten by James. - 01/03/2011 02:49:58 PM 757 Views
Okay - 01/03/2011 02:51:57 PM 760 Views
Hopefully I will finish Crime and Punishment, perhaps over Spring Break - 01/03/2011 02:58:19 PM 741 Views
Still on Titus Groan - 01/03/2011 07:24:27 PM 777 Views
Trying to fit some regular reading in... - 01/03/2011 07:25:09 PM 727 Views
Re: Let us know what you think of Middlemarch! - 03/03/2011 09:59:49 AM 788 Views
Some carrying over from last month, some new ones. - 01/03/2011 07:37:37 PM 706 Views
Re: Some carrying over from last month, some new ones. - 01/03/2011 10:03:22 PM 730 Views
Yeah, the going's getting harder here too. - 02/03/2011 06:56:19 PM 725 Views
Nearly done, it does get easier after a while... mostly. *NM* - 04/03/2011 11:50:34 PM 312 Views
I'm on to Midnight Tides now. - 01/03/2011 10:40:04 PM 768 Views
Wise Man's Fear along with something else. Haven't decided yet... *NM* - 03/03/2011 12:01:16 AM 332 Views
Dropping everything. It's time to read Wise Man's Fear - 03/03/2011 01:38:50 AM 754 Views
I was mostly wrong - 18/03/2011 07:44:53 AM 697 Views
Re: I don't take part in challenges. They make me nervous. - 03/03/2011 09:43:05 AM 694 Views
Alrighty - 12/03/2011 09:18:41 PM 1219 Views
The Chosen... - 16/03/2011 11:04:01 PM 1008 Views
Reading an ARC called Among Thieves by Douglas Hulick. - 18/03/2011 06:30:46 AM 834 Views
I managed to finish a challenge book!!! - 18/03/2011 06:27:26 PM 796 Views

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