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Re: I wasn't sure she could manage it all at once. Camilla Send a noteboard - 24/05/2011 10:47:40 AM

As far as I can make out, this will be a conventional trilogy.

I may have to pick it up. But I'll wait for the verdict on the final one.

I'm toddling along, though you're going to kill me: I haven't sent your letter. What's your Trondeim address?

Not having sent it is better than the Royal Mail having eaten it. I suspect the Norwegian postal system is altogether safer. It would probably be best to send it to my Molde address (we are going there in mid June and staying until well after the wedding). I will note it to you.

I will not kill you :P I may send you a Costa card of some description as punishment, however ;)
structured procrastinator
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Spin Control by Chris Moriarty - 24/05/2011 09:19:31 AM 7984 Views
Re: Spin Control by Chris Moriarty - 24/05/2011 10:43:26 AM 1619 Views
Re: I wasn't sure she could manage it all at once. - 24/05/2011 10:44:59 AM 1840 Views
Re: I wasn't sure she could manage it all at once. - 24/05/2011 10:47:40 AM 1571 Views
I had the same frustrations with this one as with the first book. - 24/05/2011 05:44:17 PM 1507 Views

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