Active Users:178 Time:18/06/2024 06:09:20 PM
Giving ARC to popular bloggers is a great idea. Haggard Send a noteboard - 21/09/2009 10:29:32 PM
I just wanted to say that I think giving ARC to popular bloggers like Larry and Werthead is a brilliant marketing move on the part of the publisher. Many of the books I read are on the recommendation of blogs/forums. It costs the publisher very little and they get lots of free, targeted advertising. (Of course, this assumes the book gets a good review.) It's a win for everybody. The bloggers get free books, the publishers get free publicity, and I don't have to wade through pages of Amazon reviews on vampire chick lit.

I think one of the keys for it working so well is the bloggers giving honest opinions. If the reviews are honest, I trust the blogger, and will buy the book. If the blogger was just kissing publisher ass, I figure it out fairly quickly and no longer frequent that site. Larry and Werthead do an excellent job of posting honest reviews (though often Larry's recommendations are too esoteric for my lowbrow tastes :P). Some of Pat's reviews have left me shaking my head.

I'm drinkin' some George Jones,
and a little bit of Coe
Haggard's easin' my misery
and Waylon's keepin' me from home
Hank's givin' me those high times-
Cash is gonna sing it low
I'm here gettin' wasted-
just like my country heroes
-Hank III
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A question about ARCs for the book review bloggers out there - 21/09/2009 03:42:01 PM 623 Views
Giving ARC to popular bloggers is a great idea. - 21/09/2009 10:29:32 PM 532 Views
I love larry's reviews - 22/09/2009 04:52:21 PM 419 Views

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