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Is it July already? Maria Send a noteboard - 02/07/2011 05:04:47 PM
...time flies when I'm doing nothing! :approve:

- a graphic novel, a play or a collection of poetry you've not read before.

I can do that! I have to finish Dr Zhivago first, and then I'm going to read Cathedral of the Sea, just because I'm going to Barcelona and I wanted a book that will give me a feeling of the city. But then: Either a Shakespeare or an Ibsen play.

Simple, really. Then tell us what you thought of your choice once you've read it.

I'll try - I'm not good with reviews, especially not when writing english.

- Extra option for those who can: a novel in a foreign language

Reading english doesn't count, does it? :disapprove:

And we're halfway through the year now. If you're doing a 50 Book Challenge or similar, how are you getting on?

Not doing the challenge, haven't had time for it with my education coming to an end. I'll be happy if I make 20 books (I've only read 6 so far this year, and I'm soon through Dr Zhivago)

Far from it.
I am just large enough.
Fill myself completely
lengthwise and across
from top to bottom.
Are you larger than yourself maybe?

-Ingrid Hagerup-
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RAFO Challenge for July and August: read one of the following... - 02/07/2011 03:42:11 PM 672 Views
I'm sure I can find a GN to read. - 02/07/2011 04:07:17 PM 516 Views
- 02/07/2011 08:22:55 PM 467 Views
Is it July already? - 02/07/2011 05:04:47 PM 529 Views
Re: RAFO Challenge for July and August: read one of the following... - 02/07/2011 05:46:27 PM 490 Views
Okay, I have this challenge completed. - 03/07/2011 04:47:10 PM 544 Views
Hmm. Does anyone have any suggestions for graphic novels that are not Moore or Gaiman? - 03/07/2011 11:58:28 AM 561 Views
Blankets by Craig Thompson. - 03/07/2011 12:09:58 PM 507 Views
Re: Blankets by Craig Thompson. - 03/07/2011 12:11:03 PM 566 Views
As far as the genre challenge goes... - 03/07/2011 12:05:15 PM 579 Views
mine: - 29/08/2011 01:05:23 PM 527 Views

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