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fictional detectives whose first name (if sometimes shortened) is Kate. Why so many? RomaVenkat Send a noteboard - 28/01/2012 03:19:52 AM
Kate Brannigan (created by Val McDermid)

Kate Martinelli (created by Laurie R. King)

Kate Ryan (created by Kate Sweeney, which seems even odder)

Kate Delafield (created by I've forgotten who, probably Katherine V. Forrest, also even odder if that's right)

Kate Beckett, from Castle

Kate Lokley, from Angel

Kate Kane, who was an LBT (not sure which) Batwoman, and the Bats are all crime solvers first, right?

Kate Fansler (created by Amanda Cross)

Kate Baeier (created by Gillian Slovo)

Kat Colorado (created by Karen Kijewski) - no "e", which makes this one a rare and unique little snowflake

Kate Gillespie (created by Robin Burcell)

Kate Ivory (what the hell) (created by Veronica Stallwood)

Kate Jasper (created by Jaqueline Girdner)

I was looking for queer detective fiction, and found four Kate right away, and thought, what is it with queer women and the name "Kate"? Is it a particularly lesbian sort of name?

Then I remembered Kate Beckett (I've been reading Nikki Heat novels, and aren't they BAD?) and did a shallow search via wikipedia.

I mean. Yes, there is a lot of detective/mystery/crime/whatthefuckever fiction, but even amongst standard Judeo-Christian/Western names there are quite a number of things you can call your queer female detective that do not shorten to "Kate".

Why so many Kates? What am I missing?
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fictional detectives whose first name (if sometimes shortened) is Kate. Why so many? - 28/01/2012 03:19:52 AM 886 Views
You know, I'd never even noticed that - 28/01/2012 08:47:21 AM 771 Views
1-syllable names are easy? - 28/01/2012 09:55:50 AM 677 Views
No idea. - 28/01/2012 10:41:15 AM 609 Views
Monosyllabic names sound tougher. And the pink half of the baby-naming book is short on those. - 28/01/2012 12:27:40 PM 608 Views
Hurray for linguistics! *NM* - 02/02/2012 08:07:50 PM 353 Views
Magic Strikes series by Ilona Andrews - Kate Daniels - 02/02/2012 07:15:40 PM 691 Views
Re: I've read that! Forgot to add her. She's really good. *NM* - 04/02/2012 05:02:50 AM 282 Views

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