Active Users:362 Time:23/10/2024 10:32:57 PM
That explains a lot. Legolas Send a noteboard - 02/05/2012 08:22:04 PM
And don't forget the Bonapartists. The Ultras were also separate from the grand bourgeoisie, who tended to support the early years of Louis XVIII (and Louis Philippe later). Did notice that my edition has a facsimile of the real-life case that inspired Stendhal. Didn't have much time to read last night, due to the Lakers game and working out during it.

Yeah. Writing my review prompted me to go read some Wikipedia articles on the revolution of 1830 and the lead-up to it, which was fascinating reading. If that high-level conspiracy that Stendhal describes in that one chapter, with the high nobility of the country openly talking of asking for foreign armed intervention to crush the jacobins, was at all realistic at the time, the 1830 revolution must've been of enormous importance indeed...

My copy had some short commentary on the case that inspired Stendhal, too, though it didn't sound like the real-life case was that interesting.

He behaved like many young men do when they're confused about their desires. He may have wanted to be calculating, but I think the text supports an interpretation of him being truly conflicted and trying to rationalize those thoughts.

Hmmm. Perhaps. But his appreciation for her never seems to go beyond a purely physical crush, and the main reason why he actually wants to have her love is that it flatters his ego to have such a high-born lady fall for him. And then when he has her, he yearns for his previous mistress instead, the mother figure, with her supposed purity and innocence. Mathilde is not the most sympathetic of characters by a long shot, but still I found myself entirely in her camp before long.

There were key differences between British and French social/political situations then, though. I think that I'd be hesitant to make generalizations in this case.

I wasn't really trying to make generalizations other than to point out a similarity I'd noted between several big classics set in more or less the same period and which I'd all read recently. It wasn't exactly intended as a these that would revolutionize literary history. :P About the only semi-serious conclusion I'd be inclined to draw from it is that on both sides of the Channel, those years saw some significant changes in society, with some trends that would evolve and continue to drive much of the century that followed - and that some people weren't altogether extatic about that.
I hope to read Derrida in "French" in the near future ;)

I like the scare quotes. So true.
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Stendhal - Le Rouge et le Noir (The Red and the Black) - 28/04/2012 10:26:21 PM 8473 Views
Another of those I read when too young - 01/05/2012 06:30:28 PM 1374 Views
I mostly have that with War and Peace. - 01/05/2012 06:41:38 PM 1480 Views
I last read it a few years ago - 02/05/2012 03:38:02 AM 1327 Views
Yeah, that does make me wonder about you at 21, I must admit. - 02/05/2012 06:57:17 PM 1629 Views
A couple of my friends called me a "socially deviate asshole" back then - 02/05/2012 08:05:03 PM 1815 Views
That explains a lot. - 02/05/2012 08:22:04 PM 1740 Views

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