Active Users:684 Time:27/07/2024 12:48:58 AM
Started re-reading because of your review Dark Knight Send a noteboard - 30/07/2012 08:22:54 PM
The entire first half of the book is pure fluff! Looking at it now, it doesn't seem to make any sense. No big plot developments at all. Kvothe just plots to steal back Denna's ring from Ambrose. That's it. 300+ pages of this. And then he skips over his legendary trial (for reasons to be revealed probably) and his voyage to Vintas (fluff, but probably more entertaining than the first half).

I don't get it...
Formerly Mat Bloody Cauthon on Wotmania, blessed be its name
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I am becoming skeptical about Patrick Rothfuss (spoilers for about half of Wise Man's Fool) - 26/07/2012 12:24:39 AM 2592 Views
Just to note ... - 26/07/2012 03:20:11 AM 1160 Views
So... - 26/07/2012 05:01:44 AM 1074 Views
Re: So... - 26/07/2012 05:26:10 AM 1189 Views
Very astute. I was highly disappointed with the book *NM* - 26/07/2012 03:40:55 AM 550 Views
I can't defend the book, all the issues you raise are correct. - 26/07/2012 02:42:54 PM 1069 Views
Every thing you say about the overly troped story is true, - 26/07/2012 03:06:45 PM 1095 Views
Good points, as everyone else said. - 26/07/2012 06:48:12 PM 1060 Views
Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the second half. (minor spoilers) - 29/07/2012 04:56:53 AM 1106 Views
I'm making my way through The Name of the Wind reread on - 29/07/2012 12:24:26 PM 937 Views
I quit reading at the half way point of book two also. - 29/07/2012 02:34:22 PM 1122 Views
The twisting of tropes is much deeper, I beleive. - 30/07/2012 06:25:56 AM 1178 Views
The series' overall quality is dependant on Book 3. - 30/07/2012 09:50:26 AM 975 Views
Started re-reading because of your review - 30/07/2012 08:22:54 PM 925 Views
Try looking up the Tor blog site re-read, for reals. - 30/07/2012 10:52:01 PM 974 Views
Even if that were true he could still have cut the beginning by 3/4 - 31/07/2012 03:09:40 AM 1170 Views
I dunno, go read some Hemingway then? - 31/07/2012 04:06:59 AM 1035 Views
I don't see the problem. - 02/08/2012 09:42:15 PM 1021 Views

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