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Indeed. Larry Send a noteboard - 22/05/2013 07:37:17 PM

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It's a stronger book, it has more depth and it displays Fitzgerald's full literary talent. At the same time, it's not as "American" because the book deals with expats in Europe (loosely based on Fitzgerald's life, of course). Also, because it's more autobiographical I think that it may be difficult for some readers to enjoy - the descent into madness of Zelda Fitzgerald is on display, and to some it might seem like airing dirty laundry in public.

I would still rank it as Fitzgerald's best, followed by Gatsby, followed by This Side of Paradise, with The Beautiful and Damned as his weakest effort. I don't consider The Love of the Last Tycoon because it was unfinished at the time of his death.

It is a better "ex-pat" novel than Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises (which is actually one of my favorite Hemingway novels) because it captures more facets of "the Lost Generation," particularly in terms of the human stress reactions. And yes, it certainly is a raw, autobiographical novel.

Your rankings of his works mirror mine, although I think even The Beautiful and the Damned is better than most novels, particularly those being released today. Haven't read the unfinished one yet, although that will be rectified in the next 1-2 weeks. Probably will go with the latest edition and not the Edmund Wilson-"edited" original.

Illusions fall like the husk of a fruit, one after another, and the fruit is experience. - Narrator, Sylvie

Je suis méchant.
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F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby - 18/05/2013 11:19:43 PM 989 Views
I always enjoyed the Great Gatsby..... - 19/05/2013 04:47:35 AM 416 Views
There is certainly that - 20/05/2013 03:59:57 AM 419 Views
Hm. Having neither seen the movie nor read the book yet, I have a question... - 19/05/2013 04:00:02 PM 387 Views
The 2013 movie has much the structure of the 1974 film (which review I linked to above) - 20/05/2013 03:58:17 AM 406 Views
Loved the movie as well. - 12/06/2013 10:06:50 PM 399 Views
The book is lovely, and short so I'd go with reading that first. - 20/05/2013 08:24:16 AM 364 Views
I often find myself in the position of defending Fitzgerald from people who don't think him serious. - 20/05/2013 05:15:22 PM 872 Views
I prefer Fitzgerald to Hemingway, among others - 21/05/2013 07:36:20 PM 787 Views
Tender is the Night is certainly better. - 22/05/2013 01:13:22 AM 395 Views
Indeed. - 22/05/2013 07:37:17 PM 626 Views

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