Active Users:677 Time:27/07/2024 12:46:56 AM

Personal Info

Real name: Larry
Gender: Male
Age: 50
Country: United States

Contact Info

E-mail address:


Date joined: Aug. 30, 2009
Messageboard posts:
    * Community: 1480
    * Books: 2502
    * Wheel of Time: 301
    * TV & Movies: 4
    * Games: 1
    * RAFO: 89

Other Information

Former Series Editor for the Best American Fantasy anthology series

Interviewer for the Nebula Awards site and freelance reviewer for Bull Spec and other places

Chief Editor of The OF Blog

Admin Emeritus

Freelance translator, with two translations (ODD? - October 2011; The Weird - November 2011 (UK), May 2012 (US))

Oh, and squirrel bait