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You may have missed your calling in life. *NM* Tashmere Send a noteboard - 24/01/2010 04:32:14 AM
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The History and Practice of Ancient Astronomy by James Evans - 22/01/2010 03:26:13 PM 5225 Views
Great review. - 22/01/2010 05:34:09 PM 1455 Views
Thanks! - 22/01/2010 07:20:21 PM 1451 Views
It sounds facscinating - 23/01/2010 06:21:21 PM 1518 Views
I remember about seven or eight years ago buying a basic atronomy book. - 24/01/2010 12:18:33 AM 1543 Views
You may have missed your calling in life. *NM* - 24/01/2010 04:32:14 AM 776 Views
No, that would have been Antiquities. - 24/01/2010 02:48:53 PM 1547 Views

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