Active Users:653 Time:27/07/2024 12:41:58 AM
Actually, you may not have missed your calling in life...I thought about that later. Tashmere Send a noteboard - 24/01/2010 09:55:54 PM
"Oh yeah, isn't Tom a lawyer? I guess he does employee his ability to convince people of things that they might not have thought they could believe at first."

You had just suprised me at how interesting that book would be for me. I wanted to go borrow my dad's telescope and astronomy books...actually that isn't a bad idea. He doesn't have that many years left and he would probably love to teach me all that stuff.

It was a compelling review. That was all I meant.

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The History and Practice of Ancient Astronomy by James Evans - 22/01/2010 03:26:13 PM 5225 Views
Great review. - 22/01/2010 05:34:09 PM 1455 Views
Thanks! - 22/01/2010 07:20:21 PM 1451 Views
It sounds facscinating - 23/01/2010 06:21:21 PM 1519 Views
I remember about seven or eight years ago buying a basic atronomy book. - 24/01/2010 12:18:33 AM 1543 Views
You may have missed your calling in life. *NM* - 24/01/2010 04:32:14 AM 776 Views
No, that would have been Antiquities. - 24/01/2010 02:48:53 PM 1548 Views
Actually, you may not have missed your calling in life...I thought about that later. - 24/01/2010 09:55:54 PM 1512 Views
Heh...oh, I thought you meant I should have been an astronomer. - 25/01/2010 04:10:35 AM 1484 Views

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