Active Users:148 Time:02/06/2024 01:46:59 AM
I don't normally plan Camilla Send a noteboard - 01/03/2010 08:08:52 PM
What are you reading right now?

I am currently in the middle of 23 or so books, but my main book at the moment is Two Towers.

What will you be reading after that?

Probably I should start Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress soon, but whether it will be after Two Towers or in the middle of it is hard to say. The only one I can be sure of that will come after it must be The Return of the King, but I doubt that will be in March. I need to get some work done. Probably I'll look at Dennis Porter's The Pursuit of Crime: Art and Ideology in Detective Fiction again, and possibly Denis Duval by Thackeray and St. Ives and Weir of Hermiston by Stevenson. Possibly even Edwin Drood again, as well. But I hope I'll manage to read as little new stuff as possible.

How did you get on with your plans for February?

Well, I my plans were

but I intend to finish the first book of the Faerie Queene, read the two first books of Paradise Lost, some Bunyan and Benjamin. And I need to read Aphra Behn's The Rover. I am also considering reading Tolkien again on the side. Any maybe look at Byatt's The Children's Book. But I doubt I'll have the time.

I read the parts of Spenser, Milton and Benjamin I was planning to, as well as Behn's play. I have yet to start Bunyan, though. And while I read too much Tolkien, I managed to stay away from Byatt. Of course, I also read A. A. Milne's The Red House Mystery and Gaiman's Eternals, Woolf's A Room of One's Own and Hamlet, so I haven't really been all that good.

Do you plan at all?

I don't. Well, I plan for what I am supposed to read, but my pleasure reading is all spur of the moment.


structured procrastinator
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What are your reading plans for March? - 01/03/2010 07:28:13 AM 698 Views
Well - 01/03/2010 10:36:20 AM 389 Views
I'm currently rereading 'The Historian' by Elizabeth Kostova - 01/03/2010 11:36:23 AM 457 Views
they were to read for the russian book club - 01/03/2010 01:15:40 PM 405 Views
Still reading Gibbon. - 01/03/2010 06:28:50 PM 433 Views
Me me me &c. - 01/03/2010 06:39:01 PM 398 Views
OK. Managed to achieve half of these ones listed. - 22/03/2010 07:05:05 PM 353 Views
10-15 books for march - 01/03/2010 07:45:19 PM 466 Views
March Reading list to date. - 16/03/2010 06:46:46 PM 393 Views
I don't normally plan - 01/03/2010 08:08:52 PM 492 Views
well right now I'm reading "The Lost world" - 01/03/2010 09:31:53 PM 428 Views
Awww - 02/03/2010 11:23:38 AM 444 Views
Highly uncertain plans.. - 01/03/2010 10:25:24 PM 486 Views
Mostly finish the books I have set out. - 01/03/2010 11:11:02 PM 372 Views
Journals and still more journals - 02/03/2010 02:08:49 AM 347 Views
History of the Conquest of Mexico & Peru - 02/03/2010 03:17:35 AM 395 Views
None - 02/03/2010 05:35:59 PM 444 Views
- 03/03/2010 05:38:52 PM 398 Views
Yeah, I'm going to break 200 hrs. easy on this game... - 08/03/2010 06:16:16 PM 409 Views
Ok, change of plans. I must now read or go crazy. - 08/03/2010 06:14:11 PM 407 Views
I got nothing. - 03/03/2010 07:11:52 PM 391 Views
What is this 'Read'? - 03/03/2010 07:18:16 PM 422 Views
I got to read yesterday! - 12/03/2010 07:29:12 PM 357 Views
Re: Good going, Sparky! *NM* - 16/03/2010 03:38:58 PM 147 Views
I've actually managed to read a few books this month. - 29/03/2010 09:02:18 PM 366 Views
Re: What are your reading plans for March? - 31/03/2010 06:14:35 AM 380 Views

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