Italics tag left open in a post title puts entire board in italics
Reported by: Legolas
Type: Bug
Status: Duplicate
Created: 21/09/2009 11:54:36 AM
Denice made a typo in closing the italics tag in her "My home interweb is down or I need a wife" post title, and the result is rather surprising: the entire board below that post - all post titles, post authors, dates, but also the form for making a new post - is also in italics. Not really a big problem, but I don't think it's supposed to happen.

That's pretty cool.

Denice made a typo in closing the italics tag in her "My home interweb is down or I need a wife<Gi>" post title, and the result is rather surprising: the entire board below that post - all post titles, post authors, dates, but also the form for making a new post - is also in italics. Not really a big problem, but I don't think it's supposed to happen.

Same with strikethrough.

Denice made a typo in closing the italics tag in her "My home interweb is down or I need a wife<Gi>" post title, and the result is rather surprising: the entire board below that post - all post titles, post authors, dates, but also the form for making a new post - is also in italics. Not really a big problem, but I don't think it's supposed to happen.