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Ok-ey nossy Send a noteboard - 23/06/2010 03:10:01 AM
1. Did you vote for President Obama?


2. Do you feel he is knowledgeable about foreign relations?

Knowledgeable, yes. Doing things the way I'd like, not exactly. That happens with every pres though.

3. Are you happy with the way he is handling the "War" that isn't a war in the Iraq and Afghanistan?

I don't know what I would be happy with, but I think he's doing most of what he has to do given what he started with. We'll see.

4. Do you feel he has helped or hindered the US's image in the world? Why/How?

I think he has helped. I think that even though he's not doing brilliantly, people at least feel we're less idiotic and somewhat less likely to blow them up because Muslims live there.

5. How do you feel he's handled the BP oil spill situation?

I don't like the grandstanding that any of them are doing (both sides), but I'm one of those who thinks that most of the things he can do (getting Coast and National Guards to the scene and helping where they can) are being done.

6. Do you feel like he has lived up to the hype of his campaign?

Nope. Nobody would have though, and I always knew that.

7. What do you feel he has done "right" as the President?

Most of the issues he talked about have at least been moved on. I never thought anything was going to change in a snap of the fingers, so I'm still not willing to call him a Failure because he didn't shake our govt upside down.

8. What do you feel he has completely missed the mark on as president?

Managing to keep some sort of inspiration going. And again, the wars don't make me happy, but that's a bit of Iraq and a Hard Place. Ahaha.

9. Do you believe that we'd be in a full fledged depression if he hadn't pushed through those bail-out and stimulus packages? If no, why not?

I still can't decide. I do believe that measures of that sort were necessary, but it's almost more about the psychology than any kind of physical money flow. I don't think they managed to get the positivity flowing very well, so maybe it could have gone better. That said, this has been a very busy spring, whereas I could have closed up shop last fall for all the work I had coming in. We're doing well.

10. If you answered YES to #1, and the election was in November, would you vote for Obama again?

If McCain/Palin were the alternative, YES.
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How do YOU feel about President Obama? - 23/06/2010 02:43:08 AM 851 Views
Re: How do YOU feel about President Obama? - 23/06/2010 03:04:35 AM 478 Views
I regret not voting for Hillary instead of Obama. I don't regret voting for Obama over McCain at all - 23/06/2010 03:06:50 AM 541 Views
I completely agree with that subject line. - 23/06/2010 04:07:09 AM 420 Views
I agree as well, although I actually liked McCain - 23/06/2010 04:30:41 AM 399 Views
I liked McCain a LOT - 23/06/2010 04:39:23 AM 465 Views
Re: How do YOU feel about President Obama? - 23/06/2010 03:07:43 AM 521 Views
Ok-ey - 23/06/2010 03:10:01 AM 493 Views
Re: Ok-ey - 23/06/2010 10:56:43 AM 352 Views
Re: Ok-ey - 23/06/2010 04:04:55 PM 592 Views
Better than the alternative but too authoritarian. - 23/06/2010 03:27:13 AM 489 Views
Re: How do YOU feel about President Obama? - 23/06/2010 03:37:29 AM 451 Views
Re: How do YOU feel about President Obama? - 23/06/2010 04:40:19 AM 362 Views
I am undecided. - 23/06/2010 05:26:08 AM 489 Views
I think that as President... - 23/06/2010 06:31:48 AM 369 Views
Disappointed. - 23/06/2010 08:31:11 AM 431 Views
Re: How do YOU feel about President Obama? - 23/06/2010 09:08:08 AM 446 Views
I pretty much agree with this set of answers. *NM* - 23/06/2010 06:21:32 PM 168 Views
Re: How do YOU feel about President Obama? - 23/06/2010 10:48:24 AM 427 Views
Re: How do YOU feel about President Obama? - 23/06/2010 01:45:08 PM 418 Views
That's pretty much how I feel as foreigner, too *NM* - 23/06/2010 02:34:09 PM 168 Views
+1 *NM* - 23/06/2010 03:56:50 PM 404 Views
I see all politicians alike... - 23/06/2010 04:05:15 PM 365 Views
about what I expected - 23/06/2010 04:09:08 PM 531 Views
Re: How do YOU feel about President Obama? - 23/06/2010 05:39:08 PM 500 Views
It's interesting that so many answers for #10 are contingent - 23/06/2010 07:02:47 PM 433 Views
You don't think it depends? - 23/06/2010 07:07:22 PM 437 Views
My answers to the questions.... - 23/06/2010 09:03:12 PM 472 Views
He sends tingles up my leg. - 24/06/2010 05:46:41 AM 525 Views
Miss you! - 24/06/2010 12:57:17 PM 457 Views
Your name - 24/06/2010 02:19:26 PM 364 Views
ahhh. - 24/06/2010 05:42:47 PM 385 Views
Aero! - 24/06/2010 01:47:11 PM 404 Views
Working - 24/06/2010 02:21:05 PM 434 Views
Ah. I have heard of this thing - 24/06/2010 02:23:31 PM 360 Views
It seems they do. - 25/06/2010 04:31:59 AM 334 Views
Ouch - 25/06/2010 10:41:18 AM 383 Views
*tackles and ties you up* - 24/06/2010 02:21:03 PM 357 Views
As if you could - 25/06/2010 04:41:11 AM 439 Views

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