Active Users:140 Time:02/06/2024 04:40:25 AM
Well that was a bit - vehement SilverWarder Send a noteboard - 06/07/2010 08:11:07 PM
I might do it, but everyone's outlook is different. Were I Ben I might keep it too - possibly frame it or something.

At this point in my life I've gotten too much junk and I have seen evidence of what too much junk can become (remind me to tell you the tale of my grandmother's barn someday).

Not too long ago I brought some of my old model kits back with me from the US. Amongst them was one of the original Space 1999 Eagle Transporter kits. I'd built it in my mid to late teens and done a reasonably good job on it. Nothing fancy, mind, but not a hack job. No fancy blending, weathering or airbrushing. Just painted reasonably nicely.

Well a friend of mine was over while I was doing this and immediately began raving at how cool it was and how lucky that it had survived all these years, how it had been one of his fave shows as a kid etc. While I had some attachment to it (I'm sentimental that way) the choice was easy. "Here, then. It sounds like you'll get a lot of enjoyment from it so I'm happy for you and I know it'll get treated with affection." Being sentimental, it was important that I didn't give it away to some random person or to someone who would just chuck it.

So really, the idea was based on - "Here is something I don't know what to do with, what is best?" Giving it to someone who would treasure it, particularly if it's becoming a burden, is a good thing to do.

Mind you, Mike might indeed not have any desire to own it. That would be important to find out first.

And while I agree that I like what wound up happening to Wotmania/RAFO, and I'm sure it wouldn't have happened in the same way on Dragonmount, Mike did bring us all together. And, what's more, by allowing others to use all the code for Wotmania (or at least a lot of it) also contributed to RAFO being what it is. So, for me, credit where credit is due - even if his initial idea wasn't the greatest.
May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk.

Old Egyptian Blessing
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What to do with the Wotmania Flag? - 01/07/2010 10:31:33 PM 635 Views
Hah, there's a lot of London on there! - 01/07/2010 10:45:56 PM 278 Views
I like the idea of a RAFO book. - 01/07/2010 10:56:10 PM 302 Views
Re: I like the idea of a RAFO book. - 02/07/2010 08:36:27 AM 264 Views
I second the book - 01/07/2010 11:15:32 PM 230 Views
Yeah a book would be nice too *NM* - 02/07/2010 09:36:36 AM 104 Views
Wow, I've never even heard of that flag. *NM* - 01/07/2010 11:44:18 PM 109 Views
I never got to sign it... - 01/07/2010 11:46:04 PM 328 Views
The other side has a huge W! - 01/07/2010 11:51:06 PM 314 Views
Huh. Alrighty. - 02/07/2010 12:11:09 AM 278 Views
i did not get to sign the flag either. I vote for a book, w/ autographs and photos. - 02/07/2010 02:34:44 AM 232 Views
ps. can not give you my mind, lost it many moons ago. - 02/07/2010 02:35:32 AM 214 Views
A new flag, as a flag, seems only right. - 02/07/2010 03:03:04 AM 365 Views
A new flag. - 02/07/2010 03:05:43 AM 282 Views
Agreed *NM* - 02/07/2010 08:12:38 AM 97 Views
+1 *NM* - 02/07/2010 10:31:13 AM 98 Views
Yep - 02/07/2010 08:18:41 PM 245 Views
Screw Mike. - 03/07/2010 05:23:03 AM 258 Views
Well that was a bit - vehement - 06/07/2010 08:11:07 PM 548 Views
No wotmania code is used in RAFO - 06/07/2010 10:07:27 PM 240 Views
Really - I didn't know that. Cool. - 08/07/2010 08:15:44 PM 234 Views
Oh, and FYI, Gena really was lying. *NM* - 02/07/2010 03:07:32 AM 106 Views
The times they are a- changing *NM* - 02/07/2010 03:09:34 AM 97 Views
New flag *NM* - 02/07/2010 09:47:38 AM 96 Views
Keep the old flag. - 02/07/2010 12:24:42 PM 266 Views
You should eat the flag, to absorb the power it contains. - 02/07/2010 12:33:50 PM 241 Views
New flag for RAFO; put the old one on lovingly protected display. - 02/07/2010 09:38:25 PM 222 Views
You wouldn't let me sign. - 03/07/2010 04:43:26 AM 352 Views

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