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I did this too. Sareitha Sedai Send a noteboard - 20/07/2010 12:36:03 AM
my apple ipod headphones are finally becoming a bit worse for wear so i decided to look on amazon for some replacements. normally i love amazon, but by god shopping for headphones did my head in!

there was too much choice, far too much choice. i think i loved amazon so much because i generally purchase products where there is no real choice regarding brand, type or money saving opportunity. you know for like books and dvds and cds and stuff.

for these headphones i had to sift through brands (sony, sein-something, samsung, skullcandys) style (in-ear, on-ear, ear clips, over ear, noise reduction) and i spent hours checking which one was originally the best price, because surely those would be the best right? then i read contradictory reviews figuring which had too high expectations, too low expectations, blatant seller reviews and those who were just rating the delivery speed or ease of returns/exchange (i hate these the most, rate the product moron!)

so i knew i wanted to spend at the most 30 pounds and for a while been considering some skullcandy lowriders, but after reading a load of reviews about their durability i convinced myself that living in wigan, england (not known for it's headphone accessory fashion) was not compatible with skullcandy headphones. even with them on, i know i would still hear the jeers.

so i then looked at some sony on ear headphones and decided i probably wouldn't wear any on ear headphones outside the house and if i was in the house i'd be using speakers, so what was the point?

after about 3 months or umming and arring/ahhing/arhing/rr-ing (?) i bought some just now. just cheap 7.50 no frills sony headphones. 4 star average review rating does the job the headphones. they go in my ears and i hear the music playing on my ipod. they'll look my ear.

so why do am i still thinking about those funky skullcandys? or that other brand i can't pronounce that was way out of my price range? what's worse is that i know i'll put them in my ears and think "yeah they're alright...for 7.50, but imagine if i got some for 75!" then i'll spend another 3 months looking for a bargain/decent set of "cans"/some unobtainable golden chalice of headphones that are awesome and cheap.

urgh, i hate buyer's regret

...Only in-store. I finally settled on a set, spent in the neighborhood of $40 for them, and after the 2nd time I used them my cat chewed one of the earbuds off Back to cheapies for me. For some reason the cats leave those alone just fine.

If you are from Betelgeuse, please have one of your Earth friends read what I've written before you respond. Or try concentrating harder.

"The trophy problem has become extreme."
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buying headphones, stressing me out - 19/07/2010 11:11:51 PM 566 Views
oh poor baby... - 19/07/2010 11:15:59 PM 502 Views
where are you shopping? - 19/07/2010 11:38:15 PM 461 Views
Hah! - 19/07/2010 11:51:14 PM 725 Views
yeah this kept cropping up - 19/07/2010 11:58:31 PM 435 Views
I did this too. - 20/07/2010 12:36:03 AM 456 Views
Don't "shop" at Amazon. Go there once you know EXACTLY what you want, and buy it. - 20/07/2010 03:08:46 AM 511 Views
Pretty good advice. Amazon is my "commodities" store. - 20/07/2010 05:32:45 AM 476 Views
Re: buying headphones, stressing me out - 20/07/2010 05:18:48 AM 420 Views iPod headphones piss me off. - 20/07/2010 09:20:06 AM 414 Views *NM* - 20/07/2010 11:29:29 PM 212 Views

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