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I agree SilverWarder Send a noteboard - 02/09/2010 05:03:32 AM
I don't neccessarily think that Heaven is going to be all bliss either. That would get excruciatingly boring (one of my personal definitions of hell) very quickly. I think that Heaven might be a personal thing as well.

Given how individual we are, it would pretty much have to be.

I could use a certain amount of bliss - but only a certain amount.

And my personal heaven would probably involve rather too much sex for a great many other people to be comfortable with in their versions of heaven!
May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk.

Old Egyptian Blessing
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So how do you define "Hell"? (*Edit with extra question.) - 01/09/2010 09:27:29 PM 1354 Views
small townish. - 01/09/2010 09:33:18 PM 833 Views
Hell actually is a small town. - 06/09/2010 07:43:05 AM 866 Views
No, it is in Norway. *NM* - 18/09/2010 01:31:26 PM 471 Views
endless loops of reality TV, soft rock, and New Age music *NM* - 01/09/2010 09:35:20 PM 420 Views
*shudder* *NM* - 01/09/2010 09:36:39 PM 510 Views
that's right... - 01/09/2010 09:50:01 PM 869 Views
I completely agree. *NM* - 01/09/2010 11:16:18 PM 458 Views
that is evil. just horrid. *NM* - 02/09/2010 01:40:31 AM 478 Views
Hell, per Phelix... - 01/09/2010 09:44:32 PM 910 Views
I was going to reply to Tash's question ... - 01/09/2010 09:58:25 PM 826 Views
High five! - 01/09/2010 11:35:53 PM 824 Views
My office. - 01/09/2010 09:53:44 PM 834 Views
Outliving the people you love. *NM* - 01/09/2010 10:03:28 PM 492 Views
that's really quite sad. *NM* - 02/09/2010 01:41:18 AM 472 Views
Well if it's not you, then it's them - 02/09/2010 02:52:58 AM 752 Views
burying your children *NM* - 02/09/2010 03:27:29 AM 590 Views
Exactly - 02/09/2010 08:20:28 AM 878 Views
France. - 01/09/2010 10:03:55 PM 945 Views
oooh... - 01/09/2010 10:07:54 PM 886 Views
EVEN WORSE....with ICELANDIC FOOD!!! *NM* - 01/09/2010 10:08:51 PM 495 Views
That doesn't make sense - 01/09/2010 10:17:36 PM 758 Views
I realise German food isn't great - 01/09/2010 10:25:31 PM 861 Views
Mmmmmmmm... - 01/09/2010 10:50:41 PM 865 Views
delicious any way you say it *NM* - 02/09/2010 01:21:53 AM 803 Views
You people need a letter limit. - 02/09/2010 02:35:10 AM 725 Views
You people need a longer attention span *NM* - 02/09/2010 08:22:12 AM 490 Views
I believe in Germany there is a word for that - 02/09/2010 10:32:13 AM 824 Views
But with more ch's and some cute little dots over the vowels. *NM* - 02/09/2010 09:13:36 PM 400 Views
.... for that?? *NM* - 02/09/2010 05:43:48 PM 478 Views
We should reconsider if the retirement home we picked for her in Wales is the right place *NM* - 03/09/2010 08:38:13 AM 525 Views
You are Welsh now? - 03/09/2010 11:41:05 AM 861 Views
No but they got even longer words than we do! *NM* - 03/09/2010 11:44:49 AM 456 Views
Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch? - 03/09/2010 01:00:58 PM 760 Views
If there is one thing americans know about German food it is... - 06/09/2010 04:32:41 AM 915 Views
Bratwurst is fucking awesome *NM* - 06/09/2010 07:22:28 PM 491 Views
And British weather? *NM* - 01/09/2010 10:18:31 PM 464 Views
Our weather is a talking point *NM* - 01/09/2010 10:25:52 PM 440 Views
Yes, but when it's the French doing the talking... you see where I'm going with this? *NM* - 01/09/2010 10:27:50 PM 493 Views
touche? *NM* - 01/09/2010 10:29:48 PM 494 Views
Which is why the English are considered boring. *NM* - 01/09/2010 11:18:41 PM 438 Views
It isn't our fault people haven't experienced our weather *NM* - 01/09/2010 11:22:56 PM 532 Views
Does it ever actually change? I thought it was foggy, overcast and damp constantly. - 01/09/2010 11:27:36 PM 818 Views
It is all about timing - 01/09/2010 11:30:14 PM 885 Views
People in Seattle have. *NM* - 02/09/2010 12:02:14 AM 500 Views
True dat. - 02/09/2010 12:32:22 AM 711 Views
This last time I couldn't get used to it. - 17/09/2010 05:36:03 AM 973 Views
That's because nobody want to experience you weather! *NM* - 06/09/2010 04:33:29 AM 481 Views
I actually envision it... - 01/09/2010 10:22:16 PM 969 Views
jaw-pain is that bad then? - 01/09/2010 10:32:18 PM 838 Views
*shrug* - 01/09/2010 10:49:37 PM 951 Views
oh i'm sure...but hell-levels of pain? - 02/09/2010 12:59:52 AM 858 Views
- 01/09/2010 10:47:25 PM 837 Views
you see how much Tashy has changed.... - 01/09/2010 10:54:59 PM 948 Views
Hehe. Good one, Mook. *NM* - 01/09/2010 11:20:35 PM 482 Views
Wrong place. *NM* - 01/09/2010 11:22:52 PM 501 Views
So does anybody here actually envision it as burning in fire and brimstone? I have been told that - 01/09/2010 11:25:15 PM 672 Views
See, most people mis-define "hell." - 01/09/2010 11:33:30 PM 831 Views
Yet Christ speaks of it the same way. - 17/09/2010 05:17:57 AM 754 Views
no - 02/09/2010 03:39:38 AM 727 Views
If you want to know what death is like you experience it every night when you sleep. - 06/09/2010 04:37:41 AM 839 Views
exactly *NM* - 06/09/2010 03:16:24 PM 488 Views
Certainly not. *NM* - 02/09/2010 09:50:19 AM 447 Views
I don't believe in Hell. At least not an eternal one. - 01/09/2010 11:55:02 PM 1005 Views
One of my favorite jokes is along those lines... - 02/09/2010 12:37:18 AM 830 Views
Hee! Reminds me of Bishop Gene Robinson. - 02/09/2010 12:45:24 AM 683 Views
I love most of the words that come from Gene's mouth. - 02/09/2010 12:48:24 AM 884 Views
I got to have dinner with him. Sat at his table! He's so funny. - 02/09/2010 01:00:23 AM 760 Views
You realize my envy level just shot through the roof. - 02/09/2010 01:02:06 AM 878 Views
I know. - 02/09/2010 01:11:25 AM 894 Views
A full wotmania chat with no ignore, no logout button and none of your friends present. *NM* - 02/09/2010 12:04:18 AM 445 Views
This. *NM* - 02/09/2010 07:49:56 PM 497 Views
I don't believe in hell. *NM* - 02/09/2010 07:50:39 PM 464 Views
That task is beyond my pay grade *NM* - 02/09/2010 01:27:49 AM 476 Views
Hell is the Absence of God. - 02/09/2010 03:12:12 AM 741 Views
I don't know but if they have 3G I will NB you a description when I get there *NM* - 02/09/2010 03:40:04 AM 450 Views
hell has 3G but no signal... - 02/09/2010 03:43:11 AM 737 Views
If there is such a thing - 02/09/2010 04:39:26 AM 1007 Views
No kidding. - 02/09/2010 04:49:38 AM 841 Views
I agree - 02/09/2010 05:03:32 AM 889 Views
hmmm. although all that assumes a humanity of your soul in heaven. - 02/09/2010 05:14:33 AM 674 Views
See - that's one of those personal things - 02/09/2010 02:55:34 PM 862 Views
*shrug* it doesn't mean you aren't you. - 02/09/2010 03:26:56 PM 936 Views
Perhaps so - 02/09/2010 05:24:33 PM 825 Views
I don't think that is off topic. Feel free to continue. *NM* - 02/09/2010 07:08:54 PM 398 Views
No, but thanks for extending the offer - 03/09/2010 04:32:31 AM 790 Views
I liked Sartre's take on it. *NM* - 02/09/2010 02:57:38 PM 445 Views
What is that? "Hell is other people at breakfast"? *NM* - 02/09/2010 07:11:59 PM 419 Views
I'm not sure where the "at breakfast" comes from - 02/09/2010 07:39:26 PM 645 Views
Not simple, but I'll keep it very short - 02/09/2010 03:42:29 PM 818 Views
so everyone goes to hell? *NM* - 02/09/2010 04:33:05 PM 465 Views
That seems to be the conclusion if one agrees with my premises and line of thought, yes. *NM* - 02/09/2010 04:43:34 PM 352 Views
hmm. - 02/09/2010 05:23:23 PM 825 Views
That is what it should so... - 02/09/2010 05:26:04 PM 728 Views
INB4 PERFECT SACRIFICE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD *NM* - 02/09/2010 08:44:33 PM 467 Views
Exaclty where I wanted to go! - 02/09/2010 08:59:55 PM 836 Views
Unless... what if we offered something equally perfect and infinitely valuable to make it even? - 17/09/2010 05:04:39 AM 802 Views
...arrgh. *NM* - 18/09/2010 06:28:29 AM 435 Views
The time when one's responsibilities become Real. *NM* - 02/09/2010 10:09:11 PM 444 Views
Eternal separation from the Creator. God'll give some what they wanted, but they won't like it. *NM* - 03/09/2010 05:53:57 PM 552 Views
As far as Hell itself, this. - 17/09/2010 05:08:02 AM 786 Views
Your God sounds like a sadist. - 17/09/2010 05:12:17 AM 1035 Views
There's one HUGE string attached: - 17/09/2010 05:29:24 AM 905 Views
- 17/09/2010 03:39:20 PM 795 Views
I promised Tash weeks ago I'd respond when I could. - 18/09/2010 12:25:11 AM 686 Views
I don't get it. - 18/09/2010 06:31:33 AM 870 Views
My answer is the same as last time. I don't believe in hell. - 17/09/2010 03:37:30 PM 812 Views
I have videoclips to answer that question. - 27/09/2010 05:02:17 PM 889 Views
Also there's a very appropriate song! - 27/09/2010 05:13:14 PM 795 Views
You have reminded me why I need to see that film again - 27/09/2010 05:55:13 PM 903 Views
Tim didn't just dislike it, he said it was dumb. - 27/09/2010 08:17:07 PM 1027 Views
Shocking - 27/09/2010 08:18:47 PM 1026 Views
You could use at least one of the URLs in our link option, ya know? - 28/09/2010 04:16:07 PM 810 Views
I CARE NOT A WHIT FOR YOUR LAZY WAYS, GERMAN. *NM* - 28/09/2010 05:31:39 PM 395 Views

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