Active Users:296 Time:04/05/2024 12:08:41 AM
That was a long reply to a short question. LiterateDog Send a noteboard - 14/10/2010 08:34:03 PM
I mean, in some vague, oh-yeah-that's-good way, I'm glad they're being rescued. I don't wish them any ill will and think it's good that this isn't ending in tragedy. But in the end, I just really don't care.

They had to put the news up on a big TV in the lunch room at work so people wouldn't slow the system by trying to watch it on their computers. And all these people were glad to go watch it on their breaks. I just don't get it. It's slow and boring watching hours of slowing ascending and descending equipment. But people couldn't get enough.

I dunno. People are awfully voyeuristic and starved for entertainment. Or I'm a heartless psychopath. Or both could be true.

Note: This is not meant as a slap at anyone who's been following the story that I've also pretty much ignored. I've long felt that at least the first of those two statements is true though. Drama is understandable, unpredictable and exciting; it's the thing we look for in most of our fiction. Thing is though, folks, the reason it's OK to get vicarious thrills reading about Little Nell and wondering if she lives or dies is because SHE'S NOT REAL! If she dies, no real children are going to starve because she's not there to be a breadwinner, no real young beaus are going to descend into a death spiral of drugs and hard living because they can't go on without her, no plague epidemics will depopulate entire REAL continents because she wasn't there to discover the cure. It's just a story, and none of the fictional characters suffering, however poignantly the author conveys it, is actually EXPERIENCED by anyone.

That's the problem with the ubiquity of "reality TV" and "ripped from todays headlines" stories: They reduce real pain and suffering to mere entertainment, and the worst part is PEOPLE WATCH IT! How much even of the news today is REALLY news, rather than another human interest drama that allows us to feel good caring for five minutes about people in a tragedy before we get Dave with the weather? People we didn't even know we cared about until the news told us, people we'd have otherwise never thought of once. It's our answer to the arena; no one's entertained by actors pretending to be gladiators wearing blood packs. When Dateline's telling us about some conman they found who married and murdered for money, or Law and Order is changing the names in the latest kiddie porn sting, we aren't just watching an entertaining story anymore, we're deriving entertainment and pleasure from the pain and misfortune of other human beings. Who's the psychopath there...?
"I'll blow whomever I want, whenever I want, as long as I can still breathe and kneel."
-Samantha Jones, SatC
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Is it awful of me that I don't really give a crap about this mine rescue business? - 14/10/2010 12:58:18 AM 1462 Views
I feel the same way. - 14/10/2010 01:03:51 AM 812 Views
They're rescuing mines? - 14/10/2010 01:23:05 AM 921 Views
The rescue is taking place in a mine. My statement was in no way incorrect. *NM* - 14/10/2010 01:24:05 AM 430 Views
Wait... - 14/10/2010 01:27:48 AM 830 Views
Yes. You're an awful person. - 14/10/2010 01:46:36 AM 686 Views
Re: Yes. You're an awful person. - 14/10/2010 02:09:01 AM 825 Views
False. - 14/10/2010 02:10:48 AM 842 Views
Aw come on - 14/10/2010 10:41:24 AM 713 Views
Thanks! I enjoyed my spanking-of-heroic-proportions. - 14/10/2010 04:20:13 PM 689 Views
I think it's the latter. - 14/10/2010 02:49:52 AM 765 Views
Grow a heart sometime, people!!! *NM* - 14/10/2010 10:57:32 AM 442 Views
Organ growth experimentation? - 14/10/2010 02:05:00 PM 740 Views
stem cells and a heart mold... - 14/10/2010 05:49:11 PM 804 Views
I don't believe they've gotten a heart to work yet. - 14/10/2010 10:22:18 PM 703 Views
I knew I wasn't alone. All hail the Hateful Bitches Club. *NM* - 14/10/2010 04:20:45 PM 419 Views
Re: - 14/10/2010 02:55:50 AM 868 Views
yes... - 14/10/2010 04:44:44 AM 800 Views
Good. Another member of the Hateful Bitches Club has checked in. *NM* - 14/10/2010 04:22:04 PM 418 Views
There is no law that says what has to float your boat and you are a bad person if it doesn't. - 14/10/2010 04:52:07 AM 815 Views
It wasn't really rhetorical. - 14/10/2010 04:24:00 PM 863 Views
I don't know, but i know i don't give a crap. *NM* - 14/10/2010 04:54:47 AM 449 Views
Welcome, HBC sister. *NM* - 14/10/2010 04:24:21 PM 448 Views
I am happy for the families that the miners were able to be rescued - 14/10/2010 05:36:37 AM 885 Views
This one could've gone either way. - 14/10/2010 11:22:13 AM 894 Views
I don't get involved in all the negatives news stories, either. - 14/10/2010 04:26:14 PM 849 Views
The most I've learned about it is here, at this site. Just now. - 14/10/2010 08:24:09 AM 887 Views
Me too - 14/10/2010 04:15:31 PM 858 Views
Lucky you. Given that you described it as "managed to avoid" the story, you're totally HBC material. *NM* - 14/10/2010 04:27:04 PM 454 Views
Is there a button for my shirt? - 14/10/2010 10:18:27 PM 802 Views
Why? Is your neckline plunging too low? *NM* - 14/10/2010 10:24:13 PM 458 Views
It keeps popping open, since you ask *NM* - 14/10/2010 10:40:36 PM 448 Views
No, people just need to stop considering life "reality TV. " - 14/10/2010 11:09:35 AM 897 Views
That was a long reply to a short question. - 14/10/2010 08:34:03 PM 753 Views
Have we not met? - 14/10/2010 08:52:50 PM 796 Views
Well, it IS happening in Chile. But I'm one of those following the story. - 14/10/2010 12:37:51 PM 891 Views
Validate me, baby! - 14/10/2010 08:34:51 PM 790 Views
I was just dissapointed that they refused to show real news *NM* - 14/10/2010 03:12:35 PM 421 Views
I mainly watch for the weather. At least they didn't fuck with that. *NM* - 14/10/2010 08:36:17 PM 411 Views
Probably because it's tough to stick your dick in a cloud. *NM* - 14/10/2010 09:54:20 PM 439 Views
It certainly brings out the worst in people - 14/10/2010 03:27:52 PM 805 Views
*NM* - 14/10/2010 03:44:50 PM 431 Views
Well, some people do say everything happens for a reason. - 14/10/2010 08:38:11 PM 654 Views
are you kidding this is the most important thing going on the world right now - 14/10/2010 04:00:54 PM 774 Views
Your words make me want to kill myself. *NM* - 14/10/2010 08:38:47 PM 407 Views
wow that is the exact same thing my shrink told me *NM* - 14/10/2010 10:45:31 PM 437 Views
Come on. It is great for physics exams. - 14/10/2010 06:02:11 PM 902 Views
nice - 14/10/2010 08:33:06 PM 790 Views
Ugh. Fuck that noise. *NM* - 14/10/2010 08:39:06 PM 413 Views
No, but what IS awful. . . - 14/10/2010 06:38:34 PM 797 Views
Suck awfulness as that amuses highly. *NM* - 14/10/2010 08:39:37 PM 297 Views
I watched the first one and the last one.. - 14/10/2010 09:24:19 PM 798 Views
I'm so glad someone feels like I do - 15/10/2010 08:26:00 AM 1400 Views

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