Active Users:173 Time:17/06/2024 02:40:19 PM
That is far worse, I agree Larry Send a noteboard - 23/12/2010 06:13:59 PM
who try and blow any silly mistake out of proportion. No amount froth around your critics mouths tells you more about the critics than about you.

Think about how much chest pounding and hair pulling the lunatic left would be doing if Fox did this to an Obama book.

CBS should be very embarrassed, as that is much more than Chyron misspellings/accidental deletions.
Illusions fall like the husk of a fruit, one after another, and the fruit is experience. - Narrator, Sylvie

Je suis méchant.
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This might be the all-time worst chyron misspelling on any news program - 23/12/2010 06:02:06 AM 498 Views
Consider the source and what do you expect? - 23/12/2010 01:41:56 PM 286 Views
Ehhhh I mean, I hate Fox News, but sometimes shit just happens - 23/12/2010 03:44:22 PM 237 Views
Lose/lose situation. - 23/12/2010 04:41:33 PM 228 Views
or the don't have any more erros than anyones else than just have and army of left wing nutters - 23/12/2010 04:59:08 PM 320 Views
That is far worse, I agree - 23/12/2010 06:13:59 PM 254 Views
both are pretty damn funny though - 23/12/2010 06:21:46 PM 233 Views
True dat - 23/12/2010 07:18:03 PM 233 Views
Maybe it's subliminal bashing. - 23/12/2010 09:05:27 PM 309 Views
I agree that they don't have any more accidental errors than normal. - 23/12/2010 09:43:18 PM 248 Views
Yes CBS is pretty bad with the bias *NM* - 24/12/2010 08:59:36 PM 122 Views
I was referring to FOX, but I'm sure you probably knew that. *NM* - 25/12/2010 04:49:59 AM 107 Views
That's how I saw it as well - 23/12/2010 06:10:02 PM 277 Views
*NM* - 24/12/2010 05:02:07 AM 132 Views
Tell me I'm wrong. - 24/12/2010 01:40:44 PM 267 Views
You're wrong. *NM* - 24/12/2010 07:33:36 PM 134 Views
Perhaps we'll have to agree to disagree then. - 25/12/2010 06:00:20 PM 233 Views
It happened on a news program, not a chatterfest - 25/12/2010 06:33:36 PM 360 Views
That's kinda the problem though. - 25/12/2010 10:11:52 PM 351 Views
sort of like NYT *NM* - 24/12/2010 09:00:31 PM 117 Views
Nothing at all like that, but thanks for illustrating my point. - 25/12/2010 05:52:21 PM 263 Views
Hey, try telling him he didn't win the Holocaust and see what happens. *NM* - 23/12/2010 02:47:39 PM 222 Views
Survivor: Holocaust edition? *NM* - 23/12/2010 02:54:50 PM 120 Views
baaaaad jonte, baaaaad!!! - 25/12/2010 02:22:55 AM 275 Views
Well, if I had known this 10 years ago, I could have! - 23/12/2010 06:08:35 PM 268 Views
I am sorry, I had to laugh! *NM* - 23/12/2010 03:19:57 PM 110 Views
They gave out rings at the Holocaust? *NM* - 23/12/2010 03:42:30 PM 117 Views
*NM* - 23/12/2010 03:47:40 PM 120 Views

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