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Giving up porn (a male perspective) Postsecret Send a noteboard - 13/06/2011 04:29:52 PM
I debated whether or not to write this, because it's fairly personal. However, that is not the reason I'm using the Postsecret screen name. It doesn't bother me if you guys know the story and who I am (and it's not very difficult to figure out who I am if you want to). It's just that there are off-site reasons why I might not want this post connected to my user name, one of which is the privacy of the other person in the story, which is a consideration far beyond my own willingness to be open. So I trust that you'll indulge me, and hope that you'll be respectful.

The story goes like this: As a male who has been single for large parts of his adult life, I am no stranger to pornography. Few and far between were the days when I didn't look at something. There was no harm in it, and of course I'm not ashamed of it. It was there, I had desires, bada-boom. But some time ago I made the acquaintance of a lovely lady and we began serious dating which in time became much more. When out intimacy level reached its boiling point, I was naturally very excited, but then at first I had some difficulty. I chalked it up to inexperience, but when I caught myself having to think about porn in order to get off, I had to reconsider. I tried to dial down the amount of porn I was looking at, and it helped. I had more energy for her.

She soon learned of my occasional online viewing habits, naturally. She wasn't upset or anything, but she asked me to stop, to refrain while I had other options (namely, her). I could see where she was coming from, so I agreed.

Now, before any of you other guys out there jump in to call me whipped or emasculated or whatever, as certain guys seem to love to do for some reason, let me repeat: I agreed. Of course I could see why she wouldn't want me looking at technologically perfected women on my computer screen, investing a portion of my desire on them instead of on her. Especially since I was already trying to dial it back for the sake of our intimacy. If I were a woman I would probably feel the same way. She didn't care if I looked at it if she was gone somewhere and out of reach, but when I had her, she didn't want me to, she didn't want to feel like I was filling some part of my needs with fantasy women instead of with her, and I understood that.

And so I gave it up. Except it was immediately a lot harder than I thought it would be. I would find myself having cravings for pornography. I was so used to it, so used to looking at it whenever I wanted, that it took real willpower to stop myself, and sometimes I would slip. It's pretty clear that at some level, in some measure, I had been addicted to it. I can't blame myself for that, but in my current circumstances it had become something of a problem, and it was a bit of a wakeup call to realize as well. I can only speak for myself, but I prefer not to be addicted to things on mere principal alone. I like to be in control of myself and my actions, and however a person tells themself otherwise, addiction means you're not.

The effort has been ongoing but has also been entirely worth it. Our intimacy is consistent and satisfying, and I have no need to imagine anything with her. We have a very good relationship on multiple levels. I find that having all of my energy directed at her instead of siphoning some of it off for digital photos and videos is good for both of us.

Each to their own, of course, and I'm not suggesting that every guy would be the same way, and I'm not by any means trying to condemn porn because let's face it, guys have a lot of energy and it has to be directed somewhere. But in my own experience I think there is truth to the idea that constant exposure to porn affects the male libido, and has the potential to affect his relationship with women, whether that's through expectations or desires or whatever else. Maybe for some the effect is minimal, maybe for some there's no effect at all.

Yet, for me I think it's pretty clear that there was an effect. And I'm finding things much more satisfying with the effect removed, or at least severely dampened. I'm happy with my relationship and with my life, and at the end of the day that's what counts.

Of course, I agree with the women who have replied to this post about showing appreciation and not wanting to have to be like a porn star to satisfy a guy. People should be comfortable and should be themselves and enjoy themselves, wherever on the spectrum that happens to put them. I wouldn't want to feel pressure to have to measure up to the pure physical look and performance of male porn actors, and so even if that pressure might be more perceived than real, I wouldn't want my partner to feel that way either. So those are my thoughts.
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He’s Just Not That Into Anyone (an article about watching porn and men's changing libidos). - 11/06/2011 10:52:10 PM 3102 Views
I disagree with the whole last third or fourth of the article. - 12/06/2011 02:01:40 AM 892 Views
Re: I disagree with the whole last third or fourth of the article. - 12/06/2011 08:49:39 PM 1166 Views
A lot of guys who get hooked on porn don't know how to approach women - 12/06/2011 10:55:17 PM 1107 Views
Funny - 13/06/2011 01:22:28 AM 1080 Views
You obviously never had a fulfilling long term sexual relationship with a woman. - 13/06/2011 10:43:23 AM 851 Views
Oh My - 13/06/2011 03:29:34 PM 897 Views
*giggle* - 13/06/2011 03:46:28 PM 911 Views
What did I do to put a bee in your bonnet? *NM* - 13/06/2011 06:23:01 PM 403 Views
Bee? - 13/06/2011 06:24:35 PM 883 Views
Oh, I tend to be loving and appreciative - 13/06/2011 05:08:56 PM 844 Views
That isnt fair, Helene *NM* - 13/06/2011 06:22:25 PM 447 Views
What isn't fair? - 13/06/2011 08:07:08 PM 1043 Views
I'm not looking for someone to fix, but the not fair bit I was refering to was little irony dig *NM* - 13/06/2011 10:10:11 PM 469 Views
You don't need to be broken to enjoy being appreciated - 13/06/2011 10:17:01 PM 848 Views
No, Helene, You repeatedly attempt to sidetrack discussion with attacks against my person - 13/06/2011 10:20:01 PM 978 Views
But it makes me feel good - 13/06/2011 10:45:07 PM 850 Views
I'm not a hedonist - 13/06/2011 10:57:25 PM 1013 Views
So indignant! - 13/06/2011 11:53:41 PM 1014 Views
I don't believe that at all. - 13/06/2011 04:48:26 AM 990 Views
Entirely agree *NM* - 13/06/2011 04:33:04 PM 492 Views
Showing appreciation is a losing strategy. - 13/06/2011 04:55:09 AM 953 Views
So you don't know how to open a woman up sexually - 13/06/2011 10:51:17 AM 960 Views
Oh how clever of you! - 13/06/2011 09:59:01 PM 1048 Views
Not to gang up on you or anything, but... - 13/06/2011 10:15:57 PM 977 Views
It's that the prudishness is indicative of a more general sense of entitlement and manipulativeness. - 13/06/2011 11:02:20 PM 1048 Views
Yes. And "passive-aggressive behavior" is another one I'd add. *NM* - 13/06/2011 11:18:40 PM 353 Views
So far in this debate, you've only displayed your feelings of entitlement - 14/06/2011 12:05:16 AM 852 Views
Guys have their own problems, but the conversation is revolving around women at the moment. *NM* *NM* - 14/06/2011 01:23:20 AM 460 Views
The conversation did start being about MEN's problems. - 14/06/2011 03:36:36 AM 925 Views
Be good, Ana. - 14/06/2011 03:40:12 AM 710 Views
You may be mistaken. - 14/06/2011 03:54:28 AM 937 Views
Thats unfortuanate, Ana - 14/06/2011 03:58:50 AM 831 Views
I am introspecting, yes. - 14/06/2011 04:02:32 AM 835 Views
No, I wasnt attempting to do so - 14/06/2011 04:09:29 AM 988 Views
Re: You may be mistaken. - 15/06/2011 01:21:16 AM 984 Views
The only reason the conversation is revolving around women is because Tom laid all the blame at - 14/06/2011 07:35:34 AM 1020 Views
Let's be clear: I was speaking about American women *NM* - 14/06/2011 02:10:10 PM 356 Views
Oh, that part is quite clear. *NM* - 14/06/2011 08:25:08 PM 475 Views
Wow.. all the misogynists came out to play - 13/06/2011 11:57:05 PM 1028 Views
I'm glad you're in here. - 14/06/2011 12:04:03 AM 979 Views
Seconded *NM* - 14/06/2011 04:46:38 PM 428 Views
I don't see a lot of misogyny. - 14/06/2011 12:59:06 AM 792 Views
You are blind to misogyny because you lack awareness in that area - 14/06/2011 07:38:48 AM 851 Views
Okay, so I'm a date rapist and a misogynist...real classy - 14/06/2011 02:11:40 PM 794 Views
I neither called you a date rapist nor a misogynist - 14/06/2011 03:10:46 PM 829 Views
Why misogynist? Why not Anti-American? - 14/06/2011 01:32:17 AM 1352 Views
So, which women are better than American women? - 14/06/2011 03:38:38 AM 996 Views
Re: Haha - 14/06/2011 04:18:46 AM 897 Views
You seem very intent on coming off as the smartest guy in the room. - 14/06/2011 04:40:26 AM 997 Views
I think that's an unfair characterization of the RP board - 14/06/2011 04:58:29 AM 883 Views
Ha! I'm just fucking around. - 14/06/2011 05:14:20 AM 929 Views
Re: Ha! I'm just fucking around. - 14/06/2011 05:42:37 AM 746 Views
Who are you, again? - 14/06/2011 05:07:04 AM 734 Views
Tsk. I need to be more memorable. - 14/06/2011 05:16:33 AM 1068 Views
Well, try to be more openminded. - 14/06/2011 05:22:52 AM 962 Views
Fair enough. I do quite like Gaps. - 14/06/2011 05:31:05 AM 961 Views
Why all this vitriol? - 14/06/2011 05:18:16 AM 926 Views
Book clubs? Bullshit! women shouldn't be reading at all!!! - 15/06/2011 01:28:41 AM 943 Views
Re: Oh wow, nice. - 14/06/2011 12:25:53 PM 734 Views
Perhaps one day I'll get a Chinese husband. - 14/06/2011 04:41:59 AM 1038 Views
Spain, Norway, Japan? - 14/06/2011 04:38:43 AM 993 Views
Norway is the only one that passes. - 14/06/2011 01:14:54 PM 842 Views
I really like the Netherlands - 14/06/2011 01:29:08 PM 908 Views
Re: I really like the Netherlands - 14/06/2011 04:51:11 PM 806 Views
Why did I pick that one? Because you completely ignore men's part in a culture that sexually - 14/06/2011 07:54:39 AM 996 Views
Helene, you're also not an American woman. - 14/06/2011 01:03:23 PM 1005 Views
You're not American either. *NM* - 14/06/2011 02:26:34 PM 317 Views
I didn't ignore it at all. I just bracketed it. It's quite possible, you know. - 14/06/2011 08:49:03 PM 978 Views
You have strange expectations and ideas of me. *NM* - 14/06/2011 08:52:09 PM 403 Views
Likewise. BFF? *NM* - 14/06/2011 09:08:53 PM 341 Views
Nice! /me high Fives Helene!! *NM* - 14/06/2011 02:32:27 AM 326 Views
Oh, but I can do any and all of these things! - 14/06/2011 12:06:41 AM 989 Views
I said there were exceptions. - 14/06/2011 03:50:27 AM 844 Views
True. - 14/06/2011 09:03:46 PM 813 Views
hey! I really like your poem "name" - syllables knowing other lovers - excellent. - 15/06/2011 01:49:06 AM 788 Views
Thanks! *NM* - 15/06/2011 09:44:18 PM 466 Views
I agree. - 13/06/2011 01:23:51 PM 943 Views
Obviously inside the bedroom. - 13/06/2011 05:17:31 PM 1027 Views
Inside the bedroom? Sure. I could agree. But you're not American anyway. - 13/06/2011 08:52:42 PM 902 Views
You're basically just saying that American attitudes toward sex results in repressed women - 13/06/2011 09:03:47 PM 987 Views
Theoretically they can be "unrepressed". But why waste the time and effort? - 13/06/2011 10:06:52 PM 1037 Views
How can you tell it's because she cares, instead of because that's what's traditionally expected - 13/06/2011 10:48:12 PM 957 Views
That's a good point! *NM* - 15/06/2011 04:49:11 AM 450 Views
The answer is that it doesn't matter. - 16/06/2011 05:35:47 PM 1032 Views
I agree that the answer doesn't matter - 16/06/2011 07:09:44 PM 718 Views
It's funny - 13/06/2011 02:51:03 PM 1106 Views
Well of course you can't see the faults of American women. You're American. - 13/06/2011 08:51:35 PM 998 Views
I'm sure that American women, along with all other women on earth - 13/06/2011 09:00:33 PM 1018 Views
It's not my job to make a girl comfortable about her sexuality. - 13/06/2011 10:03:27 PM 917 Views
THIS *NM* - 13/06/2011 10:09:14 PM 432 Views
If the sex is all there is, then yes, makes sense. - 13/06/2011 10:18:15 PM 1008 Views
Who willingly goes into a relationship knowing the sex will be bad? - 14/06/2011 03:52:43 AM 912 Views
You and your friends? - 14/06/2011 05:46:53 AM 891 Views
And you don't think that the men in these relationships contributed to the current situation at all? - 14/06/2011 07:59:15 AM 704 Views
In this particular aspect, absolutely not. - 14/06/2011 02:19:33 PM 899 Views
Of course I consider that you might be right - 14/06/2011 03:59:50 PM 1004 Views
I'm not ignoring any complexities - 14/06/2011 05:00:04 PM 960 Views
Loads of people, if that's compensated by other things? - 14/06/2011 08:38:45 PM 1063 Views
I would rather be in a good marriage with bad sex than the other way around *NM* - 14/06/2011 10:33:27 PM 509 Views
I suspect that you are in a good marriage with good sex. - 16/06/2011 01:55:29 AM 983 Views
Of course it is your job as a sex partner to make your partner feel comfortable about being with you - 13/06/2011 10:50:52 PM 840 Views
THIS. *NM* - 13/06/2011 11:49:28 PM 408 Views
I was going to say the same. - 14/06/2011 12:11:18 AM 1025 Views
Like fucking Hell it is. - 14/06/2011 12:18:02 AM 796 Views
You're totally cracking me up in here. - 14/06/2011 12:30:39 AM 930 Views
You think you're offending me? - 14/06/2011 01:10:56 AM 940 Views
No. - 14/06/2011 08:01:45 PM 969 Views
Have you ever been accused of date rape? - 14/06/2011 12:46:30 AM 754 Views
No. And that's an absurd question. - 14/06/2011 01:08:13 AM 830 Views
No, the point you were arguing was absurd. I just pointed out what you were arguing. - 14/06/2011 08:03:13 AM 1000 Views
Let's cut the sophistry - 14/06/2011 02:24:52 PM 998 Views
What's the definition of prude anyway? - 14/06/2011 03:58:03 PM 870 Views
If that's what you wanted to say, it would have helped for you to be more explicit. - 14/06/2011 04:10:43 PM 929 Views
"Why do these women use sex as a manipulative tool?" - 14/06/2011 05:06:33 PM 966 Views
It seems to me there is a very simple answer to that question. - 14/06/2011 05:26:09 PM 872 Views
I don't think it works at all. - 14/06/2011 05:48:48 PM 840 Views
Your anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise. - 14/06/2011 06:31:28 PM 1107 Views
I don't think so. - 15/06/2011 03:50:25 AM 858 Views
I agree with every single thing you just said. *NM* - 15/06/2011 05:03:05 AM 338 Views
Oddly enough, I do too - 15/06/2011 02:00:39 PM 960 Views
I agree with Sareitha. Women do that because it (apears to) works for them, in the short term - 14/06/2011 08:28:11 PM 805 Views
I can't see that I would put up with that either - 14/06/2011 10:32:09 PM 893 Views
Right - 14/06/2011 10:59:10 PM 869 Views
mode was a typeo but I guess it still works - 14/06/2011 11:23:11 PM 981 Views
A fairly self-aware American. With many female friends, even - 13/06/2011 11:59:34 PM 977 Views
Yeah I don't buy that "most American girls are prudes" concept - 14/06/2011 04:10:37 PM 602 Views
A moment - 14/06/2011 05:01:05 PM 838 Views
Camilla, I'm trying to keep this at arm's length a bit. - 14/06/2011 05:42:18 PM 848 Views
But you started it. - 14/06/2011 08:43:47 PM 909 Views
I did start it, yes. - 16/06/2011 03:32:54 PM 879 Views
You should have quit before this. - 16/06/2011 03:46:01 PM 965 Views
No, I shouldn't have. - 16/06/2011 04:03:21 PM 898 Views
The problem with your list is that it's performance-oriented. - 16/06/2011 10:45:22 PM 857 Views
Of course it's performance-oriented. - 16/06/2011 10:54:22 PM 804 Views
This really made me laugh - 16/06/2011 04:26:32 PM 878 Views
Re: I did start it, yes. - 16/06/2011 03:46:06 PM 785 Views
Yes, we do! - 16/06/2011 04:04:02 PM 969 Views
Having now looked over the smileys - 16/06/2011 04:09:55 PM 945 Views
See what I'm talking about? - 16/06/2011 07:09:10 PM 865 Views
That may have been the worst pun ever! *NM* - 17/06/2011 12:47:50 AM 441 Views
I try *NM* - 17/06/2011 09:57:32 AM 433 Views
Take is up the ass or you are a prude? - 16/06/2011 04:09:54 PM 1093 Views
You didn't read the list very well. - 16/06/2011 07:08:19 PM 908 Views
It appears I didn't read it very well. I apologize for that - 16/06/2011 10:16:02 PM 862 Views
No problems. - 16/06/2011 10:57:46 PM 799 Views
Re: The idea that If it hurts it's not being done right - Not neccessarily. - 17/06/2011 01:13:18 AM 908 Views
It just requires more preparation. - 17/06/2011 04:49:52 AM 1273 Views
I have to say, I actually find this list reasonable. - 16/06/2011 04:35:40 PM 886 Views
I agree - 16/06/2011 05:10:07 PM 804 Views
Exactly! It's the "nexus of activity" sort of idea. - 16/06/2011 07:18:33 PM 746 Views
If I weren't such a prude (3), I would post this list to facebook. - 16/06/2011 05:08:05 PM 968 Views
In other words, you aren't a prude on that scale. - 16/06/2011 07:20:35 PM 776 Views
Eh - 16/06/2011 08:17:31 PM 980 Views
You mixed up prudishness and sexual compatibility with you - 16/06/2011 05:21:31 PM 989 Views
This. *NM* - 16/06/2011 06:18:41 PM 480 Views
No I didn't. - 16/06/2011 07:14:27 PM 885 Views
Calling my response a knee jerk reaction is just silly, and in itself, a knee jerk response. - 16/06/2011 07:38:28 PM 1093 Views
Okay. I'm going to just stop replying. - 16/06/2011 08:28:02 PM 693 Views
Your world view is just too self referential to be - 16/06/2011 08:36:39 PM 905 Views
As is yours. *NM* - 16/06/2011 08:44:10 PM 322 Views
That makes no sense. You have the narrower view. *NM* - 16/06/2011 09:07:37 PM 432 Views
So you say. *NM* - 16/06/2011 09:09:21 PM 417 Views
Question - 16/06/2011 07:42:37 PM 896 Views
Ha Ha, who cares about the guy? It is only female sexuality that is on trial. - 16/06/2011 08:06:33 PM 820 Views
That is an incorrect assumption. - 16/06/2011 08:30:08 PM 851 Views
Awww you didn't take my bait! - 16/06/2011 08:44:16 PM 775 Views
There's very little I haven't been willing to do - 16/06/2011 08:52:31 PM 879 Views
Hehehe, But *I* recall it! - 16/06/2011 09:22:40 PM 920 Views
Wait, I think I know what you're talking about. - 16/06/2011 09:27:20 PM 877 Views
Damn, I was going to guess "in a coffin". - 16/06/2011 09:31:36 PM 1082 Views
Seriously? - 16/06/2011 09:50:20 PM 899 Views
The girl was never a girlfriend or a sexual partner. - 16/06/2011 11:06:38 PM 882 Views
I'm reminded of an ex of mine - 16/06/2011 08:32:34 PM 704 Views
That's really awful. - 16/06/2011 09:16:33 PM 980 Views
Of course. - 16/06/2011 08:29:11 PM 739 Views
Fair enough *NM* - 17/06/2011 07:20:38 PM 431 Views
THIS!! LISTEN!! the woman is * lightbulb* speaking from a woman's perspective. - 14/06/2011 02:52:26 AM 987 Views
Your way out of line - 14/06/2011 02:55:46 AM 780 Views
Wondering why we're still single, are we? Try a minimum of politeness first. - 14/06/2011 03:21:15 AM 740 Views
What B/c i sank you YOUR level? Piss Off. AS if I give 2 shits what you think about me. - 16/06/2011 02:19:04 AM 1069 Views
I read this. - 16/06/2011 03:40:51 AM 953 Views
The name-calling is uncalled for, Rebecca - 16/06/2011 11:10:04 AM 932 Views
Given the vehemence of your response, you do care. - 16/06/2011 03:19:42 PM 968 Views
I appreciate the support, - 14/06/2011 10:37:20 PM 942 Views
Your journal entry is revealing. You sound bitter and hurt. I hope you find the healing you need. - 15/06/2011 01:40:23 AM 947 Views
You know what? not called for. *NM* - 15/06/2011 02:05:14 PM 302 Views
Why not? - 15/06/2011 11:59:36 PM 850 Views
The first portion of what you said, isn't yours to say. - 16/06/2011 03:43:57 PM 669 Views
I'm with Anastasia on this. - 16/06/2011 06:39:56 PM 1000 Views
Re: It's funny - 14/06/2011 03:50:13 AM 961 Views
Re: It's funny - 14/06/2011 10:28:32 PM 1013 Views
On a completely unrelated note - 14/06/2011 11:03:58 PM 880 Views
Re: On a completely unrelated note - 14/06/2011 11:14:18 PM 916 Views
Bummer *NM* - 14/06/2011 11:20:24 PM 408 Views
TMJ is right. - 15/06/2011 02:11:57 PM 954 Views
Re: TMJ is right. - 16/06/2011 12:22:10 AM 1017 Views
Yes. - 16/06/2011 03:41:05 PM 825 Views
Re: Yes. - 17/06/2011 01:51:11 AM 766 Views
Gee thanks. - 17/06/2011 05:04:37 AM 1205 Views
Didn't suit you. - 18/06/2011 12:58:53 AM 958 Views
On a totally unrelated note... - 15/06/2011 01:43:23 AM 902 Views
Excuse me while I go hit something. A journalism major perhaps. *NM* - 12/06/2011 09:09:26 PM 420 Views
Stunning rebuttal!!! *NM* - 12/06/2011 10:07:39 PM 308 Views
Theres nothing there I really need to refute.... - 13/06/2011 01:20:43 AM 826 Views
Well, thanks for contributing nothing to the discussion. *NM* - 13/06/2011 04:41:56 AM 314 Views
Is there a reason you feel the need to jump up my ass? *NM* - 13/06/2011 05:16:53 AM 468 Views
Your winning personality? - 13/06/2011 03:45:09 PM 919 Views
I'd say 'endearing' is the proper term. - 13/06/2011 10:43:01 PM 851 Views
Nice name new. - 15/06/2011 01:44:25 AM 876 Views
Wow. Interesting. *NM* - 13/06/2011 07:04:08 AM 401 Views
Giving up porn (a male perspective) - 13/06/2011 04:29:52 PM 967 Views
Thanks for sharing. ^_^ *NM* - 13/06/2011 09:05:51 PM 463 Views
Re: It's a sexy topic, but all these generalizations are becoming wet blankets. - 14/06/2011 02:13:31 AM 956 Views
I think you are spot on with the seal theory. - 14/06/2011 05:16:59 PM 1005 Views
[something less snarky] - 14/06/2011 10:17:18 PM 1048 Views
Re: What? - 15/06/2011 12:01:36 AM 1002 Views
Re: What? - 15/06/2011 12:20:56 AM 965 Views
Re: How come your 1st edit is not at all what was originally posted? - 15/06/2011 03:06:02 AM 979 Views
About time to reevaluate Tom's claims, I think, eh? *NM* - 15/06/2011 03:59:31 AM 437 Views
my turn: what? - 15/06/2011 04:12:51 AM 1018 Views
Wow, well speaking as a prude... - 14/06/2011 03:36:23 AM 984 Views
Funny how so many fault lines rupture in the comments to posts like this - 14/06/2011 04:23:23 AM 1080 Views
To quote Cat Valente: - 14/06/2011 04:37:39 AM 807 Views
It is a two-way street, unfortunately - 14/06/2011 04:40:58 AM 917 Views
so the problem is southern women are just not good enough for you? - 14/06/2011 01:51:30 PM 899 Views
No, more like not similar enough - 14/06/2011 04:13:52 PM 928 Views
Some people aren't cut out to be in a relationship - 14/06/2011 04:25:09 PM 943 Views
True - 14/06/2011 04:56:05 PM 768 Views
As someone who has never lived under the same roof more than five consecutive years - 14/06/2011 06:06:10 PM 1018 Views
Job. Always a job matter. - 14/06/2011 11:22:33 PM 1066 Views
Try south Texas, you may not notice you are not in South America - 15/06/2011 02:44:21 AM 844 Views
Ha! I used to live in the metro Miami area, so I know what you mean - 15/06/2011 03:20:41 AM 905 Views
sweet jesus you are crazy - 15/06/2011 04:38:28 AM 763 Views
Why all this vitriol? - 14/06/2011 05:19:47 AM 891 Views
It started there here: - 14/06/2011 01:06:32 PM 960 Views
Tom made an untenable comment - 14/06/2011 01:21:06 PM 865 Views
Book clubs are scary places - 14/06/2011 05:03:03 PM 682 Views
Chocolate, wine, books. Also tea? - 14/06/2011 09:00:06 PM 997 Views
Maybe without the wine? - 15/06/2011 05:06:53 AM 867 Views
I don't feel particularly vitriolic. - 14/06/2011 10:18:44 PM 887 Views
I didn't mean you... - 15/06/2011 05:24:56 AM 889 Views
We haven't had one of these in a while! - 14/06/2011 06:36:18 AM 931 Views
Agreed. I laughed, I cried, it was touching. *NM* - 14/06/2011 08:49:40 AM 308 Views
This post got more abused than a nasty Japanese bukkake! Lol. *NM* - 15/06/2011 10:07:04 AM 501 Views
I started to read this but got bored and looked at porn. - 14/06/2011 03:15:28 PM 950 Views
Re: I started to read this but got bored and looked at porn. - 14/06/2011 03:27:51 PM 1002 Views
Oh yeah. - 14/06/2011 03:31:42 PM 980 Views
- 14/06/2011 08:48:55 PM 980 Views
I think I've read pretty much all of it. I think it's better than porn. Well, bad porn. - 14/06/2011 11:01:20 PM 952 Views
that was funny *NM* - 15/06/2011 02:42:13 AM 310 Views
Bad porn is the worst! - 15/06/2011 02:13:59 PM 802 Views
You know what Tom, it occurs to me that this is very American thinking. - 15/06/2011 03:07:00 AM 880 Views
Actually, my Russian guy friends tend to be more vehement than I am on this point. - 15/06/2011 05:12:51 AM 1208 Views
Huh, could it be because most Russians are atheist? - 15/06/2011 05:36:47 AM 988 Views
That could be a major part of it - 16/06/2011 09:06:21 PM 837 Views
Ah, you've seen EuroTrip, too. *NM* - 17/06/2011 01:52:27 AM 423 Views

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