Active Users:151 Time:14/06/2024 09:48:47 PM
We do have a debt ceiling for a reason random thoughts Send a noteboard - 09/08/2011 04:05:59 PM
It is meant to pressure congress to not let the debt grow out of control. The debt ceiling was raised, America didn't defualt on it's loans and some modest spending cuts were inacted, maybe. The question shouldn't why they did they use the debt deliing to put pressure on lowering the debt this time but why they didn't use it that way before instead of just raising it without question. Hell if we are going to do that lets just raise to 100 tillion and not more about for a century or so.
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US Credit Rate Downgraded - Obama should resign..... - 06/08/2011 04:12:48 AM 1297 Views
Que tonterías. - 06/08/2011 04:23:49 AM 823 Views
How... foolish? - 06/08/2011 05:13:30 AM 845 Views
Sip - 06/08/2011 05:38:15 AM 815 Views
I took it to translate to "argument." *NM* - 08/08/2011 01:27:55 AM 424 Views
A mí me parece que él no merece que le digas "usted", tampoco. - 06/08/2011 11:03:22 AM 635 Views
Verdad - 06/08/2011 04:09:52 PM 767 Views
Really? - 06/08/2011 05:05:48 AM 873 Views
Leaders have to lead..... - 06/08/2011 05:18:21 AM 700 Views
Cuts aren't up to him, though. - 06/08/2011 05:37:50 AM 743 Views
Yeah, sure, the President has no say or control.....good grief..... *NM* - 06/08/2011 06:13:49 AM 432 Views
I did not say that. - 06/08/2011 06:51:35 AM 809 Views
S&P didn't demand cuts, they demanded fiscal responsibility. - 06/08/2011 03:18:10 PM 972 Views
Obama caved spectacularly to avoid a default. - 06/08/2011 04:37:21 PM 786 Views
Obama caved spectacularly to ease re-election. - 06/08/2011 05:34:04 PM 966 Views
and haters gotta hate..... *NM* - 06/08/2011 05:49:25 AM 410 Views
I admit it, I hate what Obama is doing to our country..... *NM* - 06/08/2011 06:12:39 AM 416 Views
It's not Obama, but the Tea Party - 06/08/2011 06:16:38 PM 815 Views
The biggest? why that is pretty damn big!!! - 09/08/2011 06:29:24 PM 752 Views
you, it was the tea party republicans that caused this - 06/08/2011 05:57:16 AM 828 Views
Your momma is more to blame than the Tea Party..... - 06/08/2011 06:12:05 AM 712 Views
S&P demanded more DEFICIT REDUCTION. - 06/08/2011 03:55:19 PM 884 Views
Does Timmy G play sax like his brother Kenny? *NM* - 06/08/2011 01:11:17 PM 408 Views
Fun fact - I dated in HS Kenny G's niece..... - 06/08/2011 03:13:52 PM 695 Views
Re: Fun fact - I dated in HS Kenny G's niece..... - 06/08/2011 04:50:35 PM 798 Views
Sadly, not that niece!!! *NM* - 06/08/2011 06:40:39 PM 415 Views
S&P specifically cited GOP refusal to raise taxes among their reasons. - 06/08/2011 03:10:22 PM 859 Views
Of course one could just read the actual S&P report - 06/08/2011 04:01:07 PM 865 Views
Sure. - 06/08/2011 04:53:47 PM 865 Views
not really - 06/08/2011 10:15:32 PM 757 Views
"the mix of spending and revenue measures" - 06/08/2011 10:23:06 PM 821 Views
So you read the statement that they take no posistion as they take the dem position? - 07/08/2011 04:51:58 AM 818 Views
I read a "mix" to be a mix. - 09/08/2011 12:14:35 AM 735 Views
So in other words you just ignore the actaull words and read it say what you want it to say *NM* - 09/08/2011 02:07:57 PM 471 Views
A mix of something and nothing is impossible; one thing is one thing, not a mix. - 09/08/2011 04:56:00 PM 911 Views
Would 99.99% to 0.01% be a mix? - 09/08/2011 06:25:08 PM 991 Views
Yup, but 100% to 0% is not. - 09/08/2011 06:35:13 PM 818 Views
They should all resign - 06/08/2011 05:47:56 PM 844 Views
You are either really naive or just stupid. Which is it? *NM* - 06/08/2011 06:31:58 PM 399 Views
Reply to everyone whining about the Tea Party..... - 06/08/2011 06:58:40 PM 879 Views
When did Boehner agree to $800 billion in revenue increases?! - 06/08/2011 08:49:51 PM 829 Views
Wait Wait Wait.... - 07/08/2011 05:31:20 AM 817 Views
In Jersey - 07/08/2011 06:13:23 PM 915 Views
would him resigning really help? - 07/08/2011 10:24:00 AM 786 Views
not as long as he has the high functioning moron Joe Biden as VP. - 08/08/2011 12:34:32 AM 778 Views
In reality, its Congress (BOTH parties) AND the President who are to blame. - 08/08/2011 01:59:13 AM 788 Views
40% is not a small tax increase and a small spending cut - 09/08/2011 04:20:28 AM 670 Views
Why are people making a deal about the debt ceiling increase? - 09/08/2011 03:42:13 PM 718 Views
We do have a debt ceiling for a reason - 09/08/2011 04:05:59 PM 732 Views
Ultimately, I'm forced to agree completely. - 09/08/2011 05:09:19 PM 758 Views

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