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Still only visible from the States... Colonel Logain Send a noteboard - 24/08/2011 04:27:32 AM
Thanks for trying though :)

I have nothing to add. I just wanted to be included in this thread.
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Make the poor pay their fair share - 23/08/2011 11:22:37 PM 1382 Views
Part 2 of 2 - 23/08/2011 11:23:24 PM 756 Views
It is disgraceful that over 40% of households pay no federal income tax..... - 23/08/2011 11:47:54 PM 746 Views
Did you even watch both videos? *NM* - 24/08/2011 12:08:43 AM 308 Views
yes you should watch more comedy central so you can understand economics - 24/08/2011 12:14:09 AM 690 Views
Sometimes reality sucks so bad that you need a joker to tell you the truth. - 24/08/2011 12:26:50 AM 789 Views
that wouldn't be a valid even if anyone was suggesting a 50% tax bracket for anyone - 24/08/2011 01:27:19 AM 636 Views
I'm not sure if you're missing the point or not. - 24/08/2011 02:20:49 AM 811 Views
I believe... - 24/08/2011 03:59:00 AM 782 Views
no I heard what he say Ihe is just wrong *NM* - 24/08/2011 11:46:54 AM 331 Views
no the point is Stewart is using a strawman argument then - 24/08/2011 12:22:55 PM 786 Views
I repeat did you watch both videos? - 24/08/2011 03:09:48 AM 633 Views
did you actually think about what you were watching? - 24/08/2011 01:23:47 PM 738 Views
Here is what he said, since you are at work - 24/08/2011 11:36:52 PM 655 Views
IN that case I stand firmly by my statement that is all BS - 25/08/2011 12:08:24 AM 526 Views
The numbers barely change if you use income instead of wealth - 25/08/2011 03:40:12 AM 670 Views
sorry again your fudging that is adjusted gross income what would the unadjusted gross be? - 25/08/2011 02:30:06 PM 632 Views
I considered a progressive tax a feature not a bug - 25/08/2011 08:36:48 PM 562 Views
I thought you were a flat taxer - 25/08/2011 09:36:21 PM 657 Views
So you will not bring up your own numbers - 25/08/2011 09:59:31 PM 567 Views
so just proving your numbers are wrong isn't enough? - 26/08/2011 05:03:52 PM 621 Views
how are my numbers not valid? *NM* - 27/08/2011 03:29:34 AM 320 Views
OK lets try something different - 28/08/2011 03:24:27 PM 567 Views
When you say serious republican? - 29/08/2011 12:47:40 AM 663 Views
I simple "no I can't defend it" would have worked *NM* - 29/08/2011 02:00:11 PM 391 Views
Laughs, you are funny - 30/08/2011 12:25:52 AM 594 Views
Never had much sympathy for the poor - 24/08/2011 02:18:57 AM 733 Views
While there is some truth to your argument ... - 24/08/2011 02:29:28 AM 870 Views
Very true - 24/08/2011 02:39:41 AM 566 Views
Not exclusively. - 24/08/2011 02:48:58 AM 632 Views
All those people you mentioned fall under "temporary" - 24/08/2011 03:06:04 AM 606 Views
Okay, I will be the mean guy and say it.....why have three kids - 24/08/2011 03:18:27 AM 665 Views
That's what I've never understood - 24/08/2011 03:24:20 AM 660 Views
That's what I assume as well.....but honestly..... - 24/08/2011 03:32:59 AM 506 Views
What if everyone really did try their hardest? - 24/08/2011 03:38:39 AM 546 Views
Illegals would cover those jobs and we will continue to look the other way - - 24/08/2011 03:46:55 AM 566 Views
So you, as a Republican, approve of illegal immigration? *NM* - 24/08/2011 03:49:26 AM 289 Views
In the scenario Nate illustrated, I would be more tolerant of illegals. - 24/08/2011 03:53:23 AM 521 Views
Not possible - 24/08/2011 03:48:05 AM 656 Views
You have that in Eastern European countries - 24/08/2011 11:05:07 PM 663 Views
There are several possibilities. - 24/08/2011 03:30:32 AM 631 Views
Very true and very wise take ... - 24/08/2011 04:33:53 AM 580 Views
Re: Okay, I will be the mean guy and say it.....why have three kids - 24/08/2011 04:15:54 AM 567 Views
The first few weeks suck ... - 24/08/2011 04:30:13 AM 607 Views
Celibacy is a choice, but chosen for the wrong reasons and it never works - 24/08/2011 06:31:47 AM 657 Views
I found most of what you wrote tough to decipher ... - 24/08/2011 07:14:42 AM 716 Views
I think people misuse the word "celibacy" - 26/08/2011 04:27:27 PM 708 Views
Maybe you should stop voting for the people who oppose birth control and sex ed, then. *NM* - 25/08/2011 06:10:15 AM 256 Views
Is it so much opposition to... - 25/08/2011 09:18:12 PM 659 Views
It's opposition to birth control and sex ed. - 26/08/2011 01:06:38 AM 571 Views
now that is true liberal thinking - 26/08/2011 05:24:02 PM 659 Views
No joke. This thought process kind of puts me on edge. *NM* - 26/08/2011 05:47:15 PM 332 Views
Neither you nor Jeordam has justified that position. - 28/08/2011 12:05:51 AM 584 Views
wow you go deeper and deeper into the the land of far left crazy - 28/08/2011 03:31:45 PM 629 Views
I don't view the "liberty" to teach lies to children as something that merits state investment. - 29/08/2011 04:17:27 AM 840 Views
I can comment on this one.... - 29/08/2011 11:51:40 PM 700 Views
Re: I can comment on this one.... - 30/08/2011 03:54:07 AM 576 Views
who opposes birth control? *NM* - 25/08/2011 09:37:04 PM 353 Views
The Republican party and social conservatives in general. - 26/08/2011 12:52:32 AM 658 Views
so your answer is left wing talking points and damn reality? - 26/08/2011 05:14:58 PM 632 Views
Reality leans left. - 27/08/2011 11:56:00 PM 631 Views
you talking about reality is funny but it doesn't support your argument in the slighetest - 28/08/2011 03:37:42 PM 520 Views
They blatantly lied about the effectiveness of birth control. - 29/08/2011 04:14:17 AM 534 Views
Can you show me where Bush said that? - 29/08/2011 02:03:53 PM 605 Views
No, I have most of the groups that taught abstinence-only. - 29/08/2011 05:17:39 PM 630 Views
the little bit of slanted reality form a Waxman staffer? - 29/08/2011 05:43:42 PM 641 Views
Talk about believing what you want to believe. - 30/08/2011 03:38:49 AM 539 Views
Funny..... - 26/08/2011 05:54:38 PM 630 Views
Re: Funny..... - 28/08/2011 12:15:25 AM 542 Views
I'll just comment on this one thought... - 29/08/2011 11:58:08 PM 666 Views
The state does if the parent places their children in public education. - 30/08/2011 03:58:29 AM 666 Views
The number of ridiculous stereotypes in your first paragraph are off the hook. Are you joking? - 24/08/2011 02:53:13 AM 493 Views
Ridiculous stereotypes? - 24/08/2011 03:03:52 AM 666 Views
You are much more right than wrong..... - 24/08/2011 03:23:22 AM 577 Views
I agree for the most part - 24/08/2011 03:27:21 AM 500 Views
Woah woah woah. You had me until the end - 25/08/2011 09:21:50 AM 636 Views
I know the chances of that are very slim - 25/08/2011 01:07:41 PM 539 Views
This video is unavailable from your location *NM* - 24/08/2011 03:42:26 AM 289 Views
Does this work? - 24/08/2011 04:21:47 AM 489 Views
Still only visible from the States... - 24/08/2011 04:27:32 AM 495 Views
Not so, the first link works for me here. - 26/08/2011 01:31:18 AM 555 Views
Crap presentation of an important issue. - 26/08/2011 05:32:46 AM 725 Views
no one thinks a family of four can live on that - 26/08/2011 05:28:49 PM 528 Views

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