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Your friend sounds like me aerocontrols Send a noteboard - 15/09/2011 03:21:18 PM
Thin frame (6'1, 165 pounds), look relatively healthy, but I'm completely out of shape and have never been athletic. Meanwhile, my best friend (5'10 or thereabouts) has come down from 250 to 190. Sure, he's got a lot more fat on him than I do, but he's easily twice as strong as I am.

Except I'm 6'2, and I went from 245 down to about 190, (briefly down as low as 183, but my face looked gaunt at that weight and scared me) and now back up (hello, muscles) to 200.

I lost the weight for a dance performance I was scheduled to do, managed to lose it fairly easily and keep it off for nearly 3 years now. I've taken up rock climbing (thus the new muscle tissue) and gotten into caving as well. Currently volunteering on two cave / high angle rescue squads. All of this (except the dancing) is stuff I never would have been able to do at 245.

I haven't been in this kind of shape since I was an undergrad. Hooray for in-shapedness! I have much sympathy for folks who struggle with their weight, and I feel lucky it was so easy for me to lose mine.
Hollywood has the best moral compass, because it has compassion.
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Bikinis for well endowed women - 14/09/2011 04:19:39 PM 954 Views
Well done on the double post *NM* - 14/09/2011 04:31:36 PM 187 Views
Why do I always double post? I don't mean to. *NM* - 14/09/2011 05:00:34 PM 213 Views
Over enthuasiastically jabbing the submit button? - 14/09/2011 05:27:15 PM 351 Views
I'm for. *NM* - 14/09/2011 05:56:05 PM 185 Views
God bless big breasted women *NM* - 14/09/2011 06:11:59 PM 232 Views
and God doubly bless large breasted women in bikinis *NM* - 14/09/2011 09:41:49 PM 236 Views
The woman on the right is just fat, probably dangerously so. *NM* - 14/09/2011 06:29:07 PM 197 Views
Would not having a well fitting bikini top make her magically lose weight? - 14/09/2011 07:18:49 PM 399 Views
I protest the "I'm okay, you're okay" drivel inherent in the statement "plus-size". - 14/09/2011 08:30:34 PM 429 Views
I agree with you on this. - 14/09/2011 08:37:50 PM 574 Views
It's not that they're real and you're not. It's that they're real *too*. - 14/09/2011 09:15:24 PM 506 Views
I get that. But that's not what they say. And it's not just an advertising campaign. - 14/09/2011 09:35:03 PM 440 Views
You get a range of healthy sizes in regular stores. - 14/09/2011 10:24:20 PM 516 Views
Re: You get a range of healthy sizes in regular stores. - 14/09/2011 10:28:18 PM 580 Views
They have to over emphasize that it's ok precisely because society keeps saying that it's not - 14/09/2011 08:51:03 PM 441 Views
But it ISN'T - 15/09/2011 03:26:43 AM 485 Views
Exactly- smoking is so much worse! - 15/09/2011 06:07:04 AM 627 Views
No. - 15/09/2011 05:11:54 PM 561 Views
I agree and disagree - 14/09/2011 09:53:01 PM 624 Views
I don't mind the directness, I want someone to engage/argue with me. - 14/09/2011 10:37:02 PM 502 Views
That would be me. - 15/09/2011 03:07:19 AM 391 Views
Your friend sounds hot. - 15/09/2011 05:38:18 AM 500 Views
Your friend sounds like me - 15/09/2011 03:21:18 PM 418 Views
*NM* - 16/09/2011 02:43:45 AM 214 Views
I would encourage you to go back and read my exact post. - 15/09/2011 03:21:02 AM 505 Views
What makes you think that fat shaming is effective in making fat people lose weight? - 15/09/2011 05:26:17 AM 531 Views
that is not what he is saying - 15/09/2011 06:43:04 AM 513 Views
I agree - 27/09/2011 07:54:19 PM 574 Views
Should she have a disclaimer across her chest- my breasts are only big because of fat? - 14/09/2011 07:31:29 PM 437 Views
BwahahAHHAhAHHAhHAhAHhaa. Yes. Just what I was thinking. ^_^ - 16/09/2011 04:38:54 AM 643 Views
Right. - 21/09/2011 10:36:22 PM 444 Views
They are nice bikinis, for bikinis. - 14/09/2011 08:51:19 PM 506 Views
I would be kind of tempted by the boy shorts with the strings. - 14/09/2011 08:59:15 PM 516 Views
Boy shorts and a tankini top I could cope with. - 14/09/2011 09:02:54 PM 571 Views
Tankinis!? - 14/09/2011 09:21:38 PM 605 Views
they do look cute. - 14/09/2011 11:23:54 PM 455 Views
Tankinis!? Or the stuff in the link? - 14/09/2011 11:29:39 PM 549 Views
Tankini. *NM* - 14/09/2011 11:30:20 PM 202 Views
I might go for a tankini next summer... - 28/09/2011 08:48:00 PM 558 Views
Best horizontal scrollbar ever. *NM* - 14/09/2011 10:48:47 PM 237 Views
The fat woman disappeared! *NM* - 05/10/2011 11:27:22 AM 208 Views
"All bikinis 50% off" said the sign in the window - 15/09/2011 01:51:22 AM 458 Views
"well-endowed women" and "plus-size women" *NM* - 16/09/2011 02:06:10 PM 232 Views
?? *NM* - 16/09/2011 07:01:42 PM 214 Views
redundant and inaccurate. - 16/09/2011 07:56:40 PM 351 Views
I was saying - 16/09/2011 08:10:09 PM 478 Views
Should it really, though? There's no ambiguity in "well endowed women". - 16/09/2011 09:31:42 PM 346 Views
I might have inherited a pit of water from my father? *NM* - 05/10/2011 11:28:30 AM 171 Views
yeah, bikinis always seem aimed at smaller boobs... - 18/09/2011 06:41:24 PM 436 Views
Re: yeah, bikinis always seem aimed at smaller boobs... - 18/09/2011 06:45:00 PM 429 Views
LOL - 18/09/2011 09:52:28 PM 516 Views

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