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Indeed. globug0822 Send a noteboard - 03/12/2011 12:33:43 AM
I pretty much STOPPED writing for NaNoWriMO, though I have a good excuse in the fact the Intro to AI class I am taking online as research, along with the latest norsk kurs, has pretty much eaten my brain. Anyway, point being: You did it, and quite well, I am sure. So... when do we all get to read it...? ;)

And I went to write-ins regularly, so that helped... Also I didn't quit after 3 days like normal so I think that was the part that helped the most.

Discipline is our friend... I guess... if it must be... but I still do not have to like it.... O^
I'm not sure most people would *want* to read it as it is a YA novel intended for like 12 and 13 year old girls but... if you would like to read it nb me and I'll send you the second draft after I mess with it in Jan.


Sure, maybe you can inspire me to get farther than 15k words into my own attempt (by January I will be done with both the AI class and the norsk kurs.)

Sure. It helps having people give you instant feedback and telling you that you don't, in fact, suck. :P

"Do not waste time bothering whether you "love" your neighbor; act as if you did...When you are behaving as if you loved someone you will presently come to love him."-- C. S. Lewis
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Oh, Hello there! You guys like to read, right? Well, I need your help! ^_^ [UPDATED] - 29/11/2011 07:31:51 PM 519 Views
I'm not really sure there's enough context there to help - 29/11/2011 08:06:02 PM 228 Views
Fear Darrig - 29/11/2011 10:09:16 PM 282 Views
*muse* I'm thinking about the character from V for Vendetta - 29/11/2011 08:32:34 PM 243 Views
MmmmM... me likes. - 29/11/2011 10:10:03 PM 248 Views
To wry from writ will wreak wroth! - 30/11/2011 12:25:10 AM 278 Views
Try weaving the rhymes - 29/11/2011 09:01:39 PM 247 Views
Weaving the rhymes? - 29/11/2011 10:14:55 PM 256 Views
ABABAB, presumably. *NM* - 29/11/2011 10:16:14 PM 105 Views
Yes, yes... - 29/11/2011 10:18:41 PM 263 Views
Oh. Sorry. *NM* - 29/11/2011 10:24:33 PM 99 Views
nah... honest mistake... - 29/11/2011 10:34:29 PM 213 Views
ah - 30/11/2011 06:42:01 AM 253 Views
I see. Good point. *NM* - 02/12/2011 03:06:36 AM 144 Views
Blergh. It still sounds crap! - 29/11/2011 10:36:10 PM 281 Views
This sounds like a job for ... - 29/11/2011 11:07:03 PM 271 Views
the addition of archaic sounding language does a lot. *NM* - 29/11/2011 11:24:09 PM 125 Views
Wow. - 29/11/2011 11:53:46 PM 250 Views
Oh And.... - 30/11/2011 12:12:09 AM 262 Views
Alright... here's my second stab at it. - 30/11/2011 04:06:10 AM 240 Views
Dust and Sparkles! - 30/11/2011 01:36:58 AM 240 Views
Uhm... The thread you were looking for... - 30/11/2011 04:22:50 AM 253 Views
I am equal parts embarrassed by and proud/jealous of you; congrats. - 30/11/2011 03:03:20 PM 224 Views
hahahahaha i was so confused there for a second - 30/11/2011 03:17:09 PM 222 Views
Ah ha. - 30/11/2011 03:56:27 PM 227 Views
- 02/12/2011 03:09:51 AM 316 Views
- 02/12/2011 01:44:36 PM 217 Views
BwAhHAhAhHAhaa... - 02/12/2011 03:10:09 AM 288 Views
Well, I had a few RL friends who all joined in... - 02/12/2011 03:08:49 AM 277 Views
Wait, peer pressure can be a GOOD thing? - 02/12/2011 01:47:06 PM 280 Views
Indeed. - 03/12/2011 12:33:43 AM 452 Views
It would. - 03/12/2011 11:38:35 PM 326 Views

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