Active Users:317 Time:17/06/2024 10:54:52 PM
I'm sorry if my use of the astrological term bothers you. I didn't realize it came from there. LadyLorraine Send a noteboard - 06/05/2012 07:21:41 PM
I'm not an astronomer and when I heard about this on the news they referred to it as a "supermoon". Clearly I should have taken time from my finals and getting ready to begin clinical rotations to research it before making a simple post.
Still Empress of the Poofy Purple Pillow Pile Palace!!
Continued Love of my Aussie <3
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/Survey: What'd the supermoon look like from your place? - 06/05/2012 05:38:02 AM 604 Views
Re: /Survey: What'd the supermoon look like from your place? - 06/05/2012 09:51:14 AM 279 Views
Like this really big, really grey mush going from one horizon to the next - 06/05/2012 10:39:09 AM 274 Views
They're not very common, depending on how you define one - 06/05/2012 05:57:25 PM 391 Views
I can see why the news chose "supermoon" over Syzygy - 06/05/2012 07:24:15 PM 359 Views
Well it would be a 'Perigee-Syzygy', which is admittedly more of a mouthful - 06/05/2012 07:58:26 PM 394 Views
do y'all try to make everything rhyme? - 06/05/2012 08:31:46 PM 349 Views
No, but that probably would be a good idea - 06/05/2012 09:58:52 PM 243 Views
Like this really big, really grey mush going from one horizon to the next - 06/05/2012 10:39:09 AM 256 Views
Oops, posted twice. *NM* - 06/05/2012 10:39:39 AM 124 Views
WHAT IS THE SUPERMOON!? AND IS IT A SPACE STATION?! *NM* - 06/05/2012 11:47:17 AM 141 Views
It's too big to be a space station. *NM* - 06/05/2012 02:44:06 PM 128 Views
Clouds. It looked like clouds. - 06/05/2012 02:20:38 PM 266 Views
Like the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. *NM* - 06/05/2012 02:44:46 PM 131 Views
Don't know, Don't care. - 06/05/2012 04:26:25 PM 341 Views
*nod* that is much more important. *NM* - 06/05/2012 07:24:48 PM 152 Views
Not really in to astrology. *NM* - 06/05/2012 06:08:58 PM 127 Views
I'm sorry if my use of the astrological term bothers you. I didn't realize it came from there. - 06/05/2012 07:21:41 PM 376 Views
At a guess ... - 06/05/2012 08:11:11 PM 293 Views
Ya know, I think I actually like the term 'supermoon' now - 06/05/2012 09:47:15 PM 486 Views
Sorry, not really in to astronomy either. - 06/05/2012 09:19:44 PM 311 Views
fair enough Sorry, I figured you were trollin' - 06/05/2012 09:26:53 PM 352 Views
Re: /Survey: What'd the supermoon look like from your place? - 06/05/2012 07:22:33 PM 324 Views
Is that why it was so bright the other night? *NM* - 07/05/2012 12:38:56 PM 141 Views
That's no moon! - 07/05/2012 05:46:00 PM 343 Views
The key word being "looked." - 10/05/2012 06:44:11 PM 270 Views

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