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If you were in the Aurora theater with your infant, would you leave them him and run to safety? Aisha Send a noteboard - 24/07/2012 03:46:16 AM
Because this asshole did just that and his baby mama agreed to marry him after his act of cowardice. I love how no one who interviews this couple calls this guy out on his cowardice.

Patricia Legarreta went to the premiere of Dark Knight Rising with her two children, one only four months old. At the theater were three men who would play a pivotal role in her life that night: Jarell Brooks, a nineteen year old stranger; James Holmes, a twenty-four year old stranger; and Jamie Rohrs, her boyfriend.

One man would save Legaretta and her children that night while one tried to kill them, and the final one left them behind as he escaped. After the horrific melee was over, Legaretta would accept the proposal of Rohrs.

At this point, everyone knows that James Holmes was the shooter, who killed twelve people including a six year old child, and wounded more than fifty. You may think that Rohrs was the hero who saved his now fiancée and children, but he was not. Instead, Rohrs allegedly placed his four month old on the floor, and fled the theater. From Huffington Post:

Rohrs said he lost his 4-month-old son, Ethan, in the darkness and chaos of the theater, but got out himself. Then, once outside, he could not initially find Legarreta.

"I got to my truck and I drove across the mall," Rohrs added. "I'm going to call 911 and trying to call Patricia and it's just ringing, and every time it rings I'm like they're dead, they're dead, your whole family is dead."

Jarell Brooks, had escaped danger, but allegedly saw Legaretta struggling with her children, and returned to help them out of the theater, suffering a wound to his leg. He is out of the hospital and okay. (Source) (To contribute to a fund to support Brooks as he recovers, go here: Indiegogo)

Will there be fallout in the Legarreta-Rohrs relationship?

In moments of crisis, the true character of a person will show up. No one ever knows how they will react when faced with certain danger. In the case of Jamie Rohrs, he fled without his girlfriend and children. Would that be the case for many in his situation? According to the news stories at least three other men died shielding their girlfriends from the gunman's terror.

Sometimes u find out who people really are in the moment of truth...--KJ McNeill

Could you marry a person who left you in the middle of a crisis?

Not happening...He already proved he is leaving at "thick and thin".-- K. Johnson

Not everyone is built to become a hero like Jarell Brooks. It is easy to turn away from people you do not know and save yourself. But when it comes to family, every person wants to feel safe and protected by one who professes to love them. It appears that Mr. Rohrs has not quite made it to a point of selflessness that would protect his family.
Aisha - formerly known as randschicka
video of father telling his story of abandonment
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If you were in the Aurora theater with your infant, would you leave them him and run to safety? - 24/07/2012 03:46:16 AM 1081 Views
If I were in the theatre I would rather die than expose my child to harm. - 24/07/2012 04:41:34 AM 361 Views
exactly *NM* - 24/07/2012 06:12:35 AM 195 Views
I pray I wouldn't be such a coward in those circumstances. - 24/07/2012 09:21:30 AM 397 Views
she seriously said that? - 24/07/2012 11:25:56 AM 368 Views
No *NM* - 24/07/2012 12:08:09 PM 157 Views
Yeah that's messed up on so many levels - 24/07/2012 11:46:57 AM 335 Views
I'd warn you guys off rendering judgment to freely here - 24/07/2012 12:40:14 PM 534 Views
Thank you for that. *NM* - 24/07/2012 01:47:50 PM 156 Views
I agree. - 24/07/2012 02:25:58 PM 360 Views
All this. - 24/07/2012 06:20:27 PM 332 Views
Well said. *NM* - 24/07/2012 11:11:17 PM 152 Views
Plus one. - 25/07/2012 02:52:01 AM 368 Views
Um. - 25/07/2012 05:37:17 AM 339 Views
Yes, people are programmed to survive but they are also programmed to protect their young. - 25/07/2012 07:51:59 AM 362 Views
Where did you see that he shoved the kid to the floor? - 25/07/2012 02:56:38 PM 330 Views
I was using shoving as in "putting somewhere" no actually pushing down. - 25/07/2012 07:38:12 PM 266 Views
Look - 25/07/2012 11:06:02 PM 283 Views
This is the sort of thing I'd really rather not see right now. - 24/07/2012 03:10:11 PM 261 Views
I have been shot at and it is pretty damn scary - 24/07/2012 04:05:37 PM 353 Views
Yes, that was my thought as well: who takes a baby to a movie? - 24/07/2012 04:36:29 PM 328 Views
I am glad to see you guys are surprised by this - 24/07/2012 04:47:11 PM 322 Views
Re: I am glad to see you guys are surprised by this - 24/07/2012 05:02:59 PM 283 Views
Yeah, it's rude. - 24/07/2012 06:41:43 PM 305 Views
I just don't get that - 24/07/2012 10:14:47 PM 286 Views
I'm not sure I do either. - 25/07/2012 05:42:37 AM 266 Views
My thoughts exactly. - 25/07/2012 07:23:17 AM 279 Views
Mine is six and I wouldn't take her to go see any movie at a midnight show - 24/07/2012 05:26:18 PM 251 Views
Same. I've been shot at, too. I ran like hell. - 24/07/2012 11:20:07 PM 315 Views
I don't get it. - 24/07/2012 04:46:54 PM 362 Views
Same here, I was going to post about that before seeing you already had - 24/07/2012 07:41:27 PM 326 Views
In case of an emergency, put on your own breath mask first. - 24/07/2012 09:28:35 PM 332 Views
I would rip the gunmans fucking head off. *NM* - 25/07/2012 06:42:52 PM 157 Views

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