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I just did. Joel Send a noteboard - 16/08/2012 09:36:21 PM
Pay attention.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
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Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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Paul Ryan is selected as Republican VP candidate - 11/08/2012 05:01:47 PM 1712 Views
Personally? No, I'm not voting Republican at all this year. - 11/08/2012 05:18:06 PM 757 Views
Ya know that narrative of the right getting further right is pretty ridicolous - 11/08/2012 06:43:44 PM 727 Views
it could possibly be the "all or nothing" budget fights and gay marriage among other things - 11/08/2012 08:19:11 PM 767 Views
Yeah, I forgot the Dems are very enlightened about gay marriage now for what? 2 Months? - 11/08/2012 08:59:17 PM 828 Views
+1 - Great post! *NM* - 12/08/2012 04:32:21 AM 484 Views
We're on a roll here Isaac. I agree with you again. - 12/08/2012 08:18:32 AM 772 Views
yet despite that, dems didn't put referenda and push bills discriminating against gay people - 12/08/2012 07:55:38 PM 849 Views
They certainly have, they've just done it less and less recently - 12/08/2012 09:39:53 PM 722 Views
Fred Phelps is 82 - 13/08/2012 01:28:01 AM 666 Views
So is Pat Robertson *NM* - 13/08/2012 02:41:28 AM 458 Views
They're not enlightened at all. - 21/08/2012 02:04:09 PM 936 Views
Agreed, but ya'll continue doing it anyway. - 11/08/2012 08:24:09 PM 756 Views
Thank you for making sense. - 12/08/2012 08:01:53 AM 733 Views
voting third party is a good idea - 11/08/2012 08:15:41 PM 737 Views
I'm sorry, but anyone that votes for Obama after the past 3 and 1/2 years is a moron..... - 12/08/2012 03:30:47 AM 671 Views
If you are proud of not voting, please shut up: The adults have a country to run. - 12/08/2012 04:11:49 AM 689 Views
Candidates have to earn my vote - I'm not a slave like you to the 2 party system. - 12/08/2012 04:24:02 AM 830 Views
Who said anything about the two-party system? - 12/08/2012 04:29:36 AM 664 Views
No offense intended, but voting third party is as stupid as not voting. - 12/08/2012 04:42:28 AM 919 Views
I strongly disagree. - 12/08/2012 05:11:52 AM 751 Views
as the saying goes "the lesser of two evils is still evil" - 12/08/2012 08:06:20 PM 735 Views
Nice asshatery. - 12/08/2012 07:56:57 AM 901 Views
Wouldn't you love to have a "none of the above" option..... - 12/08/2012 03:36:54 PM 678 Views
Or you could use a PR system and act like responsible adults. *NM* - 12/08/2012 05:47:14 PM 365 Views
Oh dear. - 11/08/2012 06:26:07 PM 721 Views
I'm happy with it, I like Ryan - 11/08/2012 06:47:21 PM 736 Views
What a shock. - 11/08/2012 08:18:35 PM 859 Views
Re: What a shock. - 11/08/2012 08:51:12 PM 838 Views
ryan isn't going to help rmoney win wisconsin - 11/08/2012 08:21:27 PM 841 Views
Picking Ryan was an olive branch to the GOP rank and file. - 11/08/2012 08:05:41 PM 957 Views
definitely a bold pick but not going to help him enough in november - 11/08/2012 08:27:59 PM 769 Views
Who cares? He's hot. - 11/08/2012 11:53:42 PM 926 Views
So are you a fan of David Cameron? - 12/08/2012 12:12:50 AM 598 Views
Lol. Nice one. *NM* - 12/08/2012 08:22:01 AM 417 Views
- 13/08/2012 03:31:38 PM 814 Views
Wonderful choice! Truly wonderful.....check the video. - 12/08/2012 03:22:48 AM 664 Views
Nice video. - 12/08/2012 06:52:59 PM 768 Views
Can you explain your fascination with Ryans ideas, please? - 13/08/2012 04:08:35 AM 715 Views
No, it doesn't change my opinion any - 12/08/2012 07:50:21 AM 852 Views
I hear even the DNC has rejected its TN Senate nominee. - 12/08/2012 05:46:37 PM 761 Views
Yes, they disavowed him - 12/08/2012 08:00:33 PM 755 Views
Does not work in the US - 13/08/2012 01:17:58 AM 712 Views
We do not need most of the populace to cast protest votes, only most voters. - 13/08/2012 01:33:41 AM 668 Views
Your distinction misses my greater point - 13/08/2012 01:51:26 AM 721 Views
*shrugs* Vote absentee then. - 13/08/2012 02:28:32 AM 741 Views
I was going to vote Romney anyway, so no, it doesn't change anything. - 12/08/2012 10:39:15 PM 751 Views
But I'm guessing you're glad with Ryan? Prefer him over the alternatives? Or not? - 12/08/2012 10:49:35 PM 901 Views
I disagree - 13/08/2012 12:52:07 AM 770 Views
Bloomberg has imploded - 13/08/2012 07:12:56 PM 674 Views
Bloomberg has become a national laughingstock. - 13/08/2012 08:13:24 PM 752 Views
Not as much as either Obama or Romney, surely. - 13/08/2012 08:23:41 PM 746 Views
Makes sense for you. You are Romney's target audience. - 13/08/2012 01:19:26 PM 680 Views
What should Obama have done? - 13/08/2012 07:31:23 PM 716 Views
And how much of that do you expect from Romney? - 14/08/2012 10:21:33 AM 1039 Views
Certainly more than from Obama. - 16/08/2012 12:00:19 AM 652 Views
Mmm, Objectivism. Another reason for me to vote Obama. - 12/08/2012 11:00:34 PM 831 Views
But doesn't he say he detests Rand? - 12/08/2012 11:53:47 PM 579 Views
Link to audio of Paul Ryans address to The Atlas Society. - 13/08/2012 03:37:27 AM 876 Views
Or you could have just read my response which posted prior to yours - 13/08/2012 01:45:07 PM 653 Views
Sorry, I completely missed your link. - 13/08/2012 03:09:11 PM 773 Views
Don't get me wrong - 13/08/2012 12:53:10 AM 691 Views
Actually I believe he promised to vote for Romney if I did - 13/08/2012 03:48:35 AM 832 Views
What an amusing retrospective. - 13/08/2012 04:20:02 AM 839 Views
Uh... how exactly did you get to spending and budget timelines? - 13/08/2012 04:59:45 AM 668 Views
Tangentially, of course. - 13/08/2012 05:08:18 AM 703 Views
I tried reading it again, but my eyes glazed over when you started babbling about lesbian covens. - 14/08/2012 12:30:03 AM 621 Views
It was a hyperbolic reference to the extreme left (one stolen from Matt Groening, btw.) - 14/08/2012 10:12:09 AM 693 Views
Interesting. - 14/08/2012 11:34:30 AM 758 Views
They have a pill for that now. - 14/08/2012 01:14:39 PM 801 Views
I'm pretty sure the solution is you learning elementary composition. *NM* - 15/08/2012 11:33:57 PM 489 Views
Your willful reading incomprehension is neither my fault nor problem. - 16/08/2012 07:40:46 PM 756 Views
I don't think you can succinctly do anything. *NM* - 16/08/2012 09:33:38 PM 496 Views
I just did. - 16/08/2012 09:36:21 PM 752 Views
EDIT: ACK! Hoist on my own petard! - 14/08/2012 12:25:27 AM 687 Views
No birth control, no right to choose, no planned parenthood? - 13/08/2012 01:58:51 PM 625 Views
They are really doing a public service that way. *NM* - 13/08/2012 02:26:39 PM 334 Views
I agree with your statements - 14/08/2012 12:53:41 AM 843 Views
It's mostly nonsense - 14/08/2012 04:46:11 AM 753 Views
Well - 14/08/2012 02:54:06 PM 965 Views
'Nonsense' refers to the thing said about the religious right by the media - 14/08/2012 04:01:47 PM 961 Views
I'm wondering if "belittles" is the wrong word. - 14/08/2012 06:30:23 PM 1005 Views
Re: I'm wondering if "belittles" is the wrong word. - 15/08/2012 01:45:59 AM 710 Views
I have to keep this short, because I am on the iPad. - 15/08/2012 05:38:48 AM 669 Views
Triple reply chain is usually a good point for the trim-edit anyway - 15/08/2012 05:27:20 PM 852 Views
Or shows it's time to quit. - 15/08/2012 10:20:17 PM 1057 Views
Agreed - 15/08/2012 10:54:05 PM 625 Views
The question, as for Tom, is what you believe Romney would improve for small businesses. - 14/08/2012 01:38:29 PM 791 Views
I am aware of that, thank you. And I don't distill my choice down to small business, either. - 14/08/2012 02:24:24 PM 835 Views
I see your point, but... - 14/08/2012 02:30:22 PM 608 Views
Well - 14/08/2012 03:09:18 PM 790 Views
Are you really going to let Obama con you into voting for him again? - 21/08/2012 02:00:06 PM 613 Views
I honestly haven't decided. - 21/08/2012 04:13:44 PM 980 Views
None of that is that important. - 14/08/2012 08:53:10 PM 783 Views
Agreed. *NM* - 15/08/2012 02:21:55 PM 449 Views
Bullshit - 21/08/2012 01:46:42 PM 808 Views
This makes me more likely to vote R this year. - 15/08/2012 02:31:06 PM 701 Views

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